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27 Jan. 2023

Betwixt and Between - Canon Missioner Maggie McLean

...and writes of love and freedom.   Jacob describes his experience as a gateway. Wherever we find our thin places, they become a door to a richer experience. It’s hard...

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01 Mar. 2019

Lent and Easter Services at York Minster

...crucifixion and burial (Good Friday). On Easter Day (21 April), we begin our joyful celebration of Christ’s resurrection from the dead. The Day of Pentecost (9 June), commemorates the coming...

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01 May. 2018

York Minster event explores the healing, calming power of silence

...leading periods of meditation. No previous experience of silent meditation is necessary, although those with experience are more than welcome, and the event is open to people of all faiths...

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22 Mar. 2020

Healing the blindness - The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

AUDIO: https://d10okuw2vik61v.cloudfront.net/uploads/2020/03/MS-sermon-Lent-4.m4a Sunday 22 March 2020 – Lent 4 10am 1 Samuel 16.1-13 & John 9 DOWNLOAD HERE If you were thinking of ways that blindness might be cured, probably...

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14 Feb. 2018


If, after reading our policy or speaking with us, it is not possible for you to be married at the Minster you may like to visit The Church of England’s...

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07 Mar. 2018


...perfect for yourself or as a gift. They include special access to parts of the Cathedral, priority booking for events and discounts at Minster Shops. Download a full list of...

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22 Jan. 2021

Join the Archbishop of York at a Service for Candlemas

...Livestream: Sunday 31st January at 4pm at Candlemas: A Light in the Darkness and on our YouTube channel. The Order of Service will also be available for download. Catch up...

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24 Jan. 2018


...team using the details below or complete our enquiry form. T: 01904 557275 E: bookings@yorkminster.org See a full copy of our latest bookings terms and conditions here. Read our Privacy...

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22 Jan. 2018

Media centre

Communications Team contacts Rosalind Kelly, Marketing & Communications Manager – T: 01904 557264, M: 07469 084143 – E: rosalindk@yorkminster.org Joe Priestley, Marketing & Communications Lead – T: 01904 557285, M:...

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22 Apr. 2020

New digital stained glass resource launched

...year project to restore and conserve the window, which was completed in 2018, presented together with new views of the St Cuthbert Window, which will be the subject of the...

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09 May. 2022

Services and events at York Minster to mark the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty The Queen

...the opportunity this gives for us to draw our communities together, but also be part of the wider community celebrations that will be happening up and down the nation. “This...

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09 Jan. 2024

York Ice Trail

...inspired by the cathedral’s upcoming performance of Sergei Prokofiev’s classic Peter and the Wolf on Tuesday 13 February. Prokofiev’s familiar and accessible composition is the perfect introduction to classical music,...

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