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14 Feb. 2018


FAQ for family visitors...

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15 Jul. 2020

York Minster achieves highest visitor numbers on recent record in 2019

...valid. Those making the journey to this magnificent sacred space will be made most welcome.” It is thought the bumper visitor numbers in 2019 were due to a combination of...

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20 Feb. 2018

Organ refurbishment

York Minster’s Grand Organ returns following a major, £2m refurbishment, the first on this scale since 1903. The instrument, which dates back to the early 1830s, was removed in October...

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19 Jan. 2020

'We are all missionaries' – The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

...to remember, every single one of us, is that people who are searching for meaning or direction, people who are searching for God don’t all come knocking on our door...

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25 Sep. 2022

Lazarus: ‘The One Whom God Helps’ - Rev’d Canon Dr Peniel Rajkumar

...your grace.   Today may the just and compassionate God of Lazarus fill those empty spaces in our lives that long for answers to difficult questions with grace. Amen.  ...

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03 Jul. 2022

Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet have come to believe - Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...have all the right answers pre-packaged, or oven-ready, it’s not always going to be in control of things, the community of faith will measure the world differently, not in grams...

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20 Oct. 2023

October Half Term at York Minster

...Minster. Collect your free trail map from our Welcome Desks or download using the link here.   Light Quest Explore the lights and colours of our Gothic cathedral as you...

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07 Mar. 2018

Partners and supporters

Supporters of the York Minster Fund The York Minster Fund is supported by a number of individuals as well as charitable trusts and funds. See some of its recent supporters...

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22 Jan. 2018

Current vacancies

The Chapter of York is committed to the protection, safeguarding, care and nurture of all children and vulnerable adults who visit the cathedral. For more information, please click HERE....

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18 Sep. 2024

'And he sternly ordered them not to tell anyone about him' - The Very Reverend Paul Kennington, Interim Dean of Chelmsford

...have a Constitution or a Supreme Court. There is just the Anglican Communion – the Bible, the Book of Common Prayer, and the Creeds of the first Ecumenical Councils. But...

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27 Aug. 2024

Back to school with York Minster’s Learning Team

...We have worked hard to create accessible opportunities to enable as many children as possible to experience its wonders. “A self-guided visit to the cathedral is free for schools from...

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18 Jan. 2019

York Minster’s commemoration for international Holocaust Memorial Day 2019

...The event at York Minster will begin with a Choral Evensong service at 5.15pm which is attended by representatives from York’s Jewish community and other faith communities. This will be...

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