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Worship at York Minster to mark the 70th Anniversary of the Accession of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

3 Feb, 2022

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Worship at York Minster this Sunday (6 February), will honour the 70th Anniversary of the Accession to the throne of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor, said: “On 6th February 1952, Elizabeth was proclaimed Queen Elizabeth II aged just 25.  Our worship at York Minster this Sunday will give thanks for Elizabeth’s reign as Queen in this year of her Platinum Jubilee.  Everyone is welcome.”

York Minster’s worship for Accession Day is as follows:

Choral Matins at 10am

The service of Choral Matins will include music by Richard Shephard, Benjamin Britten and Henry Loosemore. The service will conclude with State Prayers for the Queen and the Royal Family.

Choral Eucharist at 11am

The Choral Eucharist service will recall the Accession of Her Majesty the Queen and help us reflect on our own calling as Disciples of Christ. The sermon will be given by the Right Revd Richard Frith, former Bishop of Hereford.

Evensong at 4pm

The service will include the ‘Accession Responses’ by Francis Jackson, Herbert Howells ‘Evening Service in G’ and ‘I was glad’ by Hubert Parry, the anthem sung at the Coronation Service in 1953.  The Organ Voluntary will be William Walton’s ‘Orb and Sceptre’ and the service will include the singing of ‘Praise my Soul the King of Heaven’ – one of the Queen’s favourite hymns. York Minster’s Precentor, Canon Victoria Johnson will preach at the service.

Other events on Sunday include:

A tree planting for the Queen’s Green Canopy Platinum Celebration (approx. 12.30pm)

Immediately after the Choral Eucharist a young lime tree will be planted the Revd Canon Michael Smith, Acting Dean of York as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. The new lime tree – the first – to be planted in the public park being created next to the new Minster Refectory was selected for sustainability, resilience against climate change and its suitability to survive the high PH soil in the area.  Minster stonemasons are carving a plaque to mark the occasion.

A special bell peal for Accession Day (approx. 2.40-3.45pm)

Ahead of the Evensong Service at 4pm, York Minster’s Volunteer bell ringers will gather in the Minster’s bell tower to ring a quarter peal to mark Accession Day.

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