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Out of the Ashes Exhibition Audio Format

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Thank you for visiting York Minster and exploring the Out of the Ashes exhibition.

To listen to a reading of this exhibition, please look for the title of each panel below and select to listen.


Please note that image captions giving archive reference numbers are not read in this version. Please email collections@yorkminster.org if you have a question about an image.

If you have any feedback about this audio version, please email enquiries@yorkminster.org or get in touch with us via social media.

Panel 1) Out of the Ashes


Panel 2) Fire, Fire!


Panel 3) ‘I must have remained…’


Panel 4) The Roof Falls


Panel 5) Lightning Strike


Panel 6) The Morning After


Panel 7) ‘The entire building was in…’


Panel 8) The Clean Up


Panel 9) Restoration


Panel 12) Restoration, Roof & Vault


Panel 13) Restoration, Roof & Vault


Panel 14) Restoration, Bosses


Panel 15) Blue Peter Bosses


Panel 16) Restoration, Rose Window


Panel 17) Restoration, The Rose Window


Panel 18) Resurrection


Panel 19) Centre of Excellence


Panel 20) Find Out More

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