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Announcement of the Royal Patronage of York Minster Fund

24 Nov, 2020

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The Trustees of York Minster Fund are delighted to announce that HRH The Prince of Wales has agreed to be the Patron of York Minster Fund.

Founded in 1967, York Minster Fund operates as the lead fundraising body for the Chapter of York and York Minster. It looks to support the Chapter in all its endeavours, especially in the maintenance and restoration of York Minster.

At present The Fund supports 5 major areas of activities:

Looking forward, YMF will continue to support the Minster as it recovers from the financial shock of the Covid 19 crisis.

Commenting on the announcement, Richard Shaw, Chair of YMF Trustees said:

“For over 50 years, York Minster Fund has supported the work of the Chapter of York. We are thankful now for the far sightedness of our founding trustees because it has enabled us to continue to support the Minster’s dedicated and skilled staff in their restoration and preservation projects in spite of the unprecedented loss of income caused by the ongoing Covid-19 crisis.

“We are delighted that HRH The Prince of Wales has agreed to support us in our work to restore the magnificence of the Minster, to maintain the skills which preserve it, and to develop the facilities and skills needed by future generations”.

The Right Rev’d Dr Jonathan Frost, Dean of York commented:

“York Minster is a treasure at the heart of York, Yorkshire and the North. It stands as a symbol of continuity, faith and witness.  Every time I enter the Minster, I have a strong sense, both joyful and overwhelming, of responsibility to hand on this great gift to future generations.

“York Minster Fund has been a valued partner, and friend to the Minster down the years and especially through the recent pandemic crisis.  I am delighted that HRH The Prince of Wales, has graciously agreed to be our Patron and I look forward to welcoming him back to a place he knows well.  I know that the York Minster Fund team and its vast company of supporters, will be delighted by this news.”

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