Please note, on Saturday 27 July, York Minster will be closed for sightseeing until 1pm due to a Diocesan service.

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York Minster Appoints Leeds-based Company for Pioneering Solar Panel Installation

York Minster, one of the most iconic and historically significant cathedrals in the world, is taking a pioneering step towards sustainability with the imminent installation of 184 state-of-the-art solar panels. This innovative project not only aims to reduce the carbon footprint of this historic landmark, but also features enhanced fire safety measures, ensuring the preservation of its architectural heritage for future generations.

The installation contract has been awarded to Associated Clean Technologies Ltd, an award-winning solar panel installation team based in Leeds, ensuring that the project will meet the highest standards of quality and safety. The installation of the solar panels on the South Quire roof area marks a significant milestone in York Minster’s ongoing efforts to integrate modern technology within its centuries-old structure.

York Minster’s new solar installation is designed with the latest SolarEdge inverter technology, which is renowned for its advanced safety features. The decision to incorporate SolarEdge was driven by the dual objectives of maximising energy generation yield and prioritising the safety of the cathedral’s structure and its visitors.

The Very Revd. Dominic Barrington, Dean of York: “We are thrilled to integrate solar into our strategy to decarbonise our operation. This installation is not just about harnessing renewable energy; it is about ensuring the preservation of York Minster for generations to come as we collectively seek to reduce our impact on the planet in an increasingly worrying climate emergency.”

Alex McCallion, Director of Works and Precinct: “The safety features provided by SolarEdge technology were a decisive factor in our choice of design. The greatest threat to the fabric of York Minster is now extreme weather events. With this system, we can safeguard our heritage while leading by example as we move towards a more sustainable future.”

Nicola Newby, Operations Director of Associated Clean Technologies Ltd: “We are honoured to have been selected to carry out this significant installation at York Minster. Our team has worked diligently to ensure that the project not only meets but exceeds the highest standards of safety and efficiency.”

York Minster’s adoption of solar panels is a testament to its dedication to innovation and sustainability, setting a benchmark for other historical sites worldwide. The project underscores the potential for modern technology to complement and protect our shared cultural heritage.

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Yorkshire Day to be celebrated in the Heart of Yorkshire

Faith leaders, civic representatives, and people who proudly call Yorkshire home will gather in York Minster on Thursday 1 August for a special service to mark Yorkshire Day.

The Service of Prayer and Thanksgiving will begin as people gather with music sung by the York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir, before a procession of civic leaders arrives from York Mansion House to the cathedral, a place of prayer and pilgrimage in whose west window is traced ‘The Heart of Yorkshire’.

The Yorkshire Society, who are hosting a whole day of celebrations alongside the service, will process and a flag will be presented at the Altar by Cadets.

Reflections will be shared by Professor Avtar Matharu, Chair of York Interfaith Group; Shamim Eimaan, a Ugandan refugee who has lived in York for almost four decades; and Bianca Vartic, a new resident of York.

Commenting on the service, The Reverend Tim Goode, York Minster’s Canon for Congregational Discipleship and Nurture, said:  “We are thrilled to be hosting this special Yorkshire Day service at the cathedral for the first time since 2000. As a fairly new resident of York myself, I’ve been privileged to experience warmth and welcome from the Yorkshire people and have enjoyed exploring the rich and varied history and culture that the region offers.

“The service will give us all a chance to give thanks for these great counties, but also to reflect on how we wish to see the region develop into the future. I hope many people will be able to join us in our worship.”

The Service of Prayer and Thanksgiving will take place in the cathedral’s nave on Thursday 1 August starting at 11am and will last around an hour.

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New light and sound installation commemorating 40th anniversary of fire illuminates York Minster 

A new light and sound installation will illuminate York Minster this October half-term to commemorate the 1984 fire and to raise funds for continuing restoration of the cathedral.

PHOENIX is a major new projection mapping and sound installation by award-winning artists Ross Ashton and Karen Monid. The installation is bespoke, having been specially created to bring the cathedral’s unique architecture and history to life. Ashton and Monid also created Northern Lights in 2019 and Platinum and Light in 2022, two spectacular installations which attracted tens of thousands of people to the cathedral.

The brand-new show, which will run for 15 nights from Saturday 19 October to Saturday 2 November, is inspired by the devastating fire that destroyed the roof of York Minster’s South Transept forty years ago.

Telling the story of that night and its aftermath, PHOENIX will commemorate the bravery of those that responded to the fire, celebrating the resilience of York Minster and the people of York through their own words, in the very place where it happened.

Visitors will see lightning strike the cathedral, lead pour down from the roof and the iconic Rose Window crack, before the clean-up operation begins and expert restoration work leaves York Minster standing as a symbol of hope in the city once more.

Neil Sanderson, Director of the York Minster Fund, said: “We are delighted to welcome Ross and Karen back to create another spectacular show for the Minster and, with such an inspiring story of both disaster and rebuilding, I know this will be something no-one will want to miss!

“I remember seeing the fire on the news forty years ago and being shocked by those images of the flames in the darkness.

“The money raised is absolutely vital to ensure we can continue the work of restoring and protecting this magnificent building. Everyone who buys a ticket becomes part of the long history of this place, helping us to preserve it for future generations to enjoy.”

After each performance, visitors will have the chance to buy a special Restoration Rose pin badge based on a design created by Laura Edwards (née Smith) for a Blue Peter competition when she was 10 years old.

Of the 68 bosses on the South Transept ceiling at the time of the 1984 fire, all but six were damaged or destroyed. In 1986, York Minster launched a competition with the BBC’s Blue Peter to find new designs based on significant events from the 20th century. There were over 32,000 entries which were whittled down to the six winning designs that can be seen on the new ceiling of the South Transept today.

Laura’s winning design depicted the red and white roses of Lancashire and Yorkshire surrounded by flames, inspired by York Minster’s iconic Rose Window, which narrowly survived the fire.

All proceeds from the sale of PHOENIX tickets and Restoration Rose pin badges will help to raise funds for the ongoing cycle of restoration and conservation to the cathedral’s fabric. York Minster is one of the world’s most magnificent cathedrals, but with the current building dating from the 13th century, it is a fragile masterpiece which needs constant care.

The light and sound projection will open on Saturday 19 October and run each evening until Saturday 2 November. Monday to Saturday, the projection will start at 7pm, with booking slots available every 20 minutes until 9pm. Doors will close at 9.30pm. On Sundays, the projection will start at 6pm, with booking slots available every 20 minutes until 8pm. Doors will close at 8.30pm.

Tickets are available now via the cathedral’s website HERE and cost £7.50 each, or £25 for a family ticket for up to two adults and two children.

The Restoration Rose pin badges are on sale now in the York Minster Shops, priced at £5. Visitors can also pre-order a pin badge when they book a PHOENIX ticket, and collect their order on the night. They can also buy a badge in-person after each performance.

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York Minster seeks its next apprentice

The search for York Minster’s next apprentice stonemason is now underway thanks to funding from the Worshipful Company of Constructors Charitable Trust. The Trust, which exists to advance education and research in construction, is giving their largest donation to date to support the role.

The apprentice will join the Minster at an exciting time as the new Centre of Excellence for Heritage Skills and Estate Management opens this autumn. The Centre will combine traditional craft skills with cutting-edge technology, as well as reviving a medieval tradition of providing accommodation for apprentices to live and work on site, helping to combat a very modern cost of living crisis.

Alongside learning the ancient craft of stonemasonry, the apprentice will gain hands-on experience with the latest digital technologies, providing them with a wide range of tools to help combat some of the emerging challenges facing historic buildings such as York Minster. Climate change, which is causing increased and far heavier rainfall, is impacting these surprisingly fragile buildings, requiring stonemasons to replace stones more frequently.

Fortunately, York Minster has one of the largest, most skilled stoneyards in the country; the funding from the Worshipful Company of Constructors Charitable Trust will ensure that a long tradition of passing on skills, knowledge and tricks of the trade will continue for future generations.

Alex McCallion, Director of Works and Precinct, said: “We are thrilled to welcome the support of the Worshipful Company of Constructors Charitable Trust at such a significant level towards a new apprentice stonemason at York Minster. This generous grant very much represents our strong shared aims in engaging the next generation of heritage construction professionals, through this exciting opportunity to join the workforce at one of the most iconic buildings in the country.

“The new stonemason will join us at a unique moment in York Minster’s history, as we open the doors of our new Centre for Excellence to the world and develop our growing international network of cathedrals and heritage institutions. We are deeply grateful to the Trust for such generous investment in our work and very much look forward to welcoming the new apprentice into our workforce this autumn.”

Paul Shepherd, Company member and Chairman of The Worshipful Company of Constructors Charitable Trust, said: “The Worshipful Company of Constructors Charitable Trust is delighted to be supporting a new stonemasonry apprenticeship at York Minster. This is the largest grant that the Constructors Charitable Trust has ever made and perfectly follows our prime remit to support Education and Research in the Construction Industry. We are particularly pleased to support an Apprentice throughout their training and to partner with York Minster by contributing to the conservation and preservation of one of the most respected cathedrals in the world.

“The Constructors Company will follow the development of the Apprentice throughout their training and will receive regular updates on their progress. As the Centre of Excellence for Heritage Skills and Estate Management opens on site at York Minster later this year, we look forward to our funded apprentice gaining invaluable skills and experience as part of this exciting new global network of heritage professionals and training.”

For more details about the role, please visit:

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New exhibition reveals the fire that threatened to destroy York Minster

Visitors to York Minster can rediscover the 1984 fire that threatened to destroy the cathedral in a new exhibition opening Saturday 29 June.

The exhibition journeys through the dramatic events of 9 July 1984, when the roof of the South Transept was struck by lightning.

Through powerful eyewitness accounts and dramatic archive photographs captured by horrified onlookers, visitors can rediscover the heroic rescue efforts, go behind the scenes of the clean-up operation, and delve into four years of restoration works that returned the cathedral to its former glory.

Running until June 2025, the exhibition – Out of the Ashes – is in the cathedral’s North Transept, opposite where the fire took hold. Entry to the exhibition is included with a standard admission ticket at no extra cost and is part of a series of activities and events commemorating the 40th anniversary of the blaze.

Fire damaged furniture that survived the blaze and the original drawings for six roof bosses designed by Blue Peter competition winners will also be on display.

Kirsty Mitchell, Curator at York Minster, explains: “The 1984 fire is a pivotal moment in York Minster’s history. The archive accounts reveal tragedy and the sense of horror, but also the resilience and huge community strength as people came together to do what had to be done.

“We hope this exhibition does justice to the incredible efforts of those who fought the fire and all those who supported and carried out the beautiful restoration works.”

York Minster is renowned for its commitment to heritage craft skills. The exhibition features information about the restoration of the roof, vault, and Rose Window, as well as the ongoing cycle of restoration and conservation that continues today, led by a multidisciplinary team of skilled heritage craftspeople.

Master Mason Emeritus John David, who has worked at the cathedral for over forty years, remembers the night of the fire: “To be part of the team inside the Minster on the night was both a shocking and memorable experience. But by the next morning, when we could see that the rest of the Minster had been saved, despair turned into an eagerness to get on with the restoration. We had the skills here and it was our job.”

Visitors can also stand in the footsteps of those who saw the 1984 fire and its aftermath in a brand-new digital-visual trail – On This Spot. The shocking events of 9 July 1984 will be revealed through vivid photographs allowing visitors to imagine seeing the blaze for themselves. Each stop on the trail can be unlocked by scanning QR codes placed in and around the cathedral and will include chance for reflection and prayer.

The exhibition and trail are part of a series of activities at York Minster to commemorate the anniversary of the fire. For further details go to

The exhibition and trail will be open from Saturday 29 June during normal visiting times. Entry is included with a standard admission ticket and entry to the Minster is free for York residents with valid proof of address.

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The cities of York and New York Celebrate a Century of Transatlantic Friendship: 100 Years of Twinning

“City speaks to City and State to State. The name honorably borne by York for centuries our State bears with equal pride in the New World. A sister State stretches friendly hands across the sea to greet you with affection and prayers that this memorial may symbolize our sterling friendship through years to come.’’
– Governor Smith of New York State, July 1924, The New York Times

The historic cities of York, England, and New York City, USA, will celebrate a century as twin cities next week (May 5, 2024), with a message from His Majesty King Charles III marking the occasion, and dignitaries from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean coming together for an historic ceremony.

Four days of activity in New York City, celebrating the two cities’ shared values, will culminate in a special service at Saint Thomas Church, New York, on Sunday May 5 at 4pm, when a ledger stone designed and carved at York Minster in England will be unveiled.  The ledger stone has been placed in Saint Thomas Church as it shares a close relationship with York Minster through its liturgy and music.

Marking the special occasion on Fifth Avenue will be The Most Reverend and Right Honourable Stephen Cottrell, the Archbishop of York, The Revd Canon Carl Turner, and British Consul General to New York, Hannah Young, who will read a message from His Majesty King Charles III.

The long-standing relationship between New York City and York stretches back to 1924, when citizens of New York presented York with a memorial tablet during a service in England, alongside a message from the then President of the United States.

Over the last century, the two cities have gone from strength to strength, forging partnerships across education, the arts, business, and tourism. The Revd Canon Carl Turner, Rector of Saint Thomas will be joined by the Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell for the service and unveiling.

The Revd Canon Carl Turner, Rector of Saint Thomas, said: “In its bicentennial year, Saint Thomas Church is delighted to celebrate the historic relationship between old York and New York, as it were, and to uplift our Anglican heritage from which we draw so much tradition and strength. We feel privileged to house this historic ledger stone in our nave and look forward to welcoming delegations from York and the British Embassy.”

The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell said: “I’m delighted to be part of this moment when York and New York renew their connection. In a world where there is much division, reaching out across different cultures fosters goodwill and understanding, breaks down barriers and recognizes we are all part of one humanity.”

Hannah Young, British Consul General to New York, said: “For 100 years, York and New York have shared a special bond, and as Consul General to New York, I have seen first-hand at how our countries have learnt from one another’s rich histories, our shared values to promote tourism, and foster business connections that benefit both cities.”

The Very Revd Dominic Barrington, Dean of York, said: “We’re extremely excited that we’ve reached the next step in the program of celebration marking the centenary of this historic moment as we look to further develop connections between the two cities. It comes at a time where work on our Centre of Excellence is well underway, a project that will establish the York Minster Precinct as a world class campus facility for heritage craft skills, so we’re delighted to be able to showcase the talent of our stonemasons and the scheme on an international scale through this gift.”

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York Minster to host BBC Radio 4 recording – Christmas Service with The Archbishop of York

BBC Radio 4 will be at York Minster on Tuesday 12 December to record a special act of worship for broadcast on Christmas Day morning.

The Dean of York, the Very Revd Dominic Barrington, will welcome all to the service which will include prayers, Bible readings, and a homily from The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, as well as much-loved Carols and traditional music for Christmas Day performed by The Choir of York Minster under the direction of Robert Sharpe, the cathedral’s Director of Music.

The choir will be singing a new version of the poem, Away in a Manger, set to music by the young British composer Lucy Walker. Choristers, volunteers and members of the Minster community will also contribute to elements of the service.
Dean Dominic said: “We are delighted that York Minster will be the location for the recording of this act of worship for BBC Radio 4’s Christmas Day schedule.  The Good News of the birth of Jesus Christ will be told in words and music that will both captivate and comfort listeners on Christmas morning.”
All are welcome to attend and must be seated by 5.15pm.  As the recording will start promptly at 5.30pm there will be no late admissions to the service.  The service will finish by 6.45pm.

Christmas Service with The Archbishop of York will be broadcast on BBC Radio 4 at 7am on Monday 25 December and will then be available on BBC Sounds.

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York Minster gets ready for Advent and Christmas

To mark the start of the Advent and Christmas season, York Minster is preparing for the raising of its spectacular Advent Wreath and the opening of the York Minster Christmas Tree Festival in the first weekend of December.

On Friday 1 December, a five metre-wide Advent Wreath will be suspended below the Minster’s Central Tower. The wreath is assembled around a vast and heavy metal ring with built-in channels to hold the water required to keep the foliage fresh. The structure also features five one-metre-high candle holders, representing the Sundays of Advent.

It takes the Minster’s expert team of volunteer flower arrangers almost three hours to create the beautiful abundant display, overflowing with fresh holly and ivy. The raising of the Advent Wreath is the pinnacle of the calendar year for the flower arrangers who work all year round to provide the cathedral with beautiful floral displays.

Saturday 2 December marks the opening of the much-loved York Minster Christmas Tree Festival where 60 trees will adorn the Nave, Chapter House and Lady Chapel. The trees will be decorated to individual themes by local businesses, schools and charities, with trees provided by award-winning local company York Christmas Trees.

Throughout the festival, visitors will be able to vote for their favourite tree with the winning charity and school receiving a £200 prize and the winning business £200 to donate to a charity of their choice.
York Minster’s Christmas Tree Festival will run from Saturday 2 December 2023 to Friday 5 January 2024 during general admission times (please check opening times on the website before visiting). Entry is included with general admission (general admission is free for York residents with proof of address).

The Very Revd Dominic Barrington, Dean of York said:

“As we move towards the great seasons of Advent and Christmas, we are conscious not only of the nights drawing in, but of the considerable darkness afflicting much of the world, including the region that Christians often call the Holy Land.
The season of Advent helps us prepare for the coming into the world of a light which is inextinguishable, and on each Sunday of that season, another candle will be lit on our great Advent Wreath to symbolise that light which the world has not, and cannot overcome. I hope you will visit the Minster during this wonderful, powerful season and let that light transform your life this Christmas.”

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Vigil for peace in Israel and Gaza – Saturday 11 November, 6.30pm

Religious, political and civic leaders from across York will come together to hold a vigil in York Minster on Saturday 11 November to call for peace and an end to the conflict in Israel and Gaza.

The vigil will begin with a welcome and address from the Very Reverend Dominic Barrington, Dean of York, before reflections are shared by Rachael Maskell, MP for York Central, as well as civic and religious leaders from across the city.

There will be a period of silence before members of the public are invited to write their thoughts and prayers onto pieces of white paper which will be placed on the cathedral’s raised altar platform to form a large white peace dove. Members of the public will also have the chance to light candles on the votive candle stands surrounding the dais, as we continue to hold in our hearts the suffering of all those affected by the conflict.

Commenting on the vigil, the Very Reverend Dominic Barrington, Dean of York, said: “I am glad that we can host this peace vigil at York Minster. The Cathedral provides a space where people can witness, by their presence and by their involvement in the event, our common desire for peace. I look forward to welcoming and standing alongside elected civic leaders and faith representatives, including members of our Mosque and Synagogue.”

Rachael Maskell, MP for York Central, said: “It is easy to feel powerless when we watch such horrendous scenes from Gaza and Israel. We want people in power to feel the heartache and pain; we want people in power to stop the violence and demand the peace.

“On Saturday evening, every child and adult in York is invited to bring their pleas, petitions and prayers to form a dove of peace. In coming to York Minster, they will be taking part in something so powerful, as I gather up all these words and present them to national and world leaders. Please come.”

 The vigil for peace will take place in the cathedral’s nave on Saturday 11 November starting at 6.30pm and will last around an hour.

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Season of Remembrance at York Minster

This year’s Season of Remembrance at York Minster will help us to engage with the extraordinary power of love, the grief and pain of bereavement and the opportunity to honour and to pay our respects to those who have died in conflicts whether recent or historic.

The Very Revd Dominic Barrington, Dean of York, said: “The pain of separation and loss, and the horrors of warfare, are no strangers to people across the globe, including in the city and Diocese of York. The grief we experience at the death of friends or loved ones is very real, and can last a very long time. It is the call of the Church to help set this against the message of Christian hope contained in the Gospel.

“We are privileged to offer services of remembrance, as well as the opportunity simply to come to the cathedral to pray, light a candle or just sit quietly as we give thanks for those whom we have loved and lost.”

York Minster’s events and services for the Season of Remembrance are as follows:

 Solemn Eucharist for the Feast of All Saints’ Day

Wednesday 1 November – 5.30pm

We celebrate all the Saints in light and join in with the worship of heaven in this jubilant service with music from the Vicars Choral and Choral Scholars of the Choir of York Minster.


All Souls’ Day

Thursday 2 November

The Minster will be closed for sightseeing but open with free entry to welcome those who have been recently bereaved or people who simply want to remember loved ones who died many years ago.


Requiem Eucharist for All Souls’ Day – 5.30pm

The annual Requiem Eucharist for All Souls’ Day, at which we remember loved ones who have died.


Armistice Day

Saturday 11 November – National Two Minutes’ Silence

At just before 11am, York Minster will come to a standstill as prayers are said for all those who made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of their country in the First and Second World Wars and in subsequent conflicts.  Great Peter will toll eleven times at 11am followed by the National Two Minutes’ Silence.


 Service of Thanksgiving and Commemoration for Remembrance

Sunday 12 November – 10.30am

An annual service of Thanksgiving and Commemoration for Remembrance Sunday which will include music by the Choir of York Minster, hymns, readings, prayers and an Act of Remembrance at 11am in unison with the commemorations across the city, when Great Peter will toll eleven times followed by the Two Minutes’ Silence.


Requiem Eucharist for Remembrance Sunday – 4pm  

To conclude the commemorations on Remembrance Sunday, the Choir of York Minster sing a moving and contemplative service of Holy Communion, with music by Fauré.

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York Minster unveils new exhibition showcasing rare treasures from local parishes of Yorkshire

Silver, gold and diamonds from across Yorkshire will be showcased in a new exhibition at York Minster. Treasures: Yorkshire’s People and Parishes will feature precious and rare objects, which have survived the turbulent, religious, political and social history of England’s largest county. The exhibition opens on Saturday 21 October.

The exhibition offers a fascinating glimpse into Yorkshire life, the history of York Minster and how historic collections are formed. Objects from the cathedral’s historic collection of more than 300,000 pieces and fascinating items across the North come together to form one celebratory narrative. From ornate gilded altar panels to a rare seventeenth century cup crafted by a female silversmith and belonging to Selby Abbey, the exhibition travels across counties and through parishes, charting changing cultures and traditions in churches.

Visitors can see a glorious silver gilt chalice, set with a magnificent 32 carat diamond which was presented to York Minster by Lily Forepaugh, a celebrated circus equestrienne. The dramatic damage to the pages of a fourteenth century cartulary, alleged to have been caused by the impact of a cannon ball, is a must-see.

Selected by York Minster’s Collections Team, other treasures include a beautiful Communion cup and cover from York city centre church, St-Michael-Le-Belfrey, the Mercier chalice, set with an amethyst ring: a powerful symbol of friendship and reunion, and a book gifted by King James I. A pair of seventeenth century enameled brass candlesticks, the only other pair of its kind resides in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, are beautifully decorated with flowers and scrolling foliage on a background of black and white champleve enamel.

The objects are proudly local, but tell national and global stories, offering insight into the role of art and generous gift-giving in local communities. The exhibition describes the crucial role of women in shaping, using, and creating our collections as owners, publishers, patrons, and makers. A selection of books belonging to Yorkshire woman Margaret Hoby, considered to be the first English diarist, will be on rotation demonstrating this vital legacy.

Kirsty Mitchell, Curator at York Minster, explains:

“The parish collections in York Minster’s care are important, beautiful and can be quite quirky! They hold so many fascinating stories, we’re thrilled to be able to celebrate Yorkshire and the Northern Province in this exhibition.”

Opening on Saturday 21 October and running until February 2025, Treasures: Yorkshire’s People and Parishes will be on display in the cathedral’s historic Treasury.

The exhibition will open during normal visiting times and entry is included with a standard admission ticket. Entry to York Minster is free for York residents and students with valid proof of address.

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York Minster announces chorister auditions for 2024

York Minster is offering York school pupils in Year 3 a chance to audition for its world-famous choir. Children are not expected to have formal singing experience, but a love of singing is very much essential to the role. If their audition is successful, children will receive a place at St Peter’s School, the choir school for York Minster since September 2020.

Choral music is one of the glories of York Minster: the choir, widely regarded as one of the finest cathedral choirs in the country, can trace its heritage back to 627AD and, more recently, has performed for King Charles III as well as featuring on BBC Radio 3 and Classic FM. Alongside high profile performances, choristers also have the chance to tour internationally, make new friends and sing alongside renowned musicians in the stunning setting of York Minster.

As well as a world-class musical education under the tutelage of York Minster’s Director of Music, Robert Sharpe, choristers receive an outstanding education at St Peter’s School, one of the oldest schools in the world and winner of the Times Education Supplement’s Independent School of the Year 2021. The Chapter of York, York Minster’s governing body, provides a substantial scholarship for each chorister towards school fees, with additional means-tested bursaries potentially increasing the level of funding to 100%.

Robert Sharpe explained that the chorister recruitment process aims to identify children with musicality and potential, rather than recruiting fully formed singers. He said:

“There will be many parents in and around York with a son or daughter who just loves singing and who may be searching for ways to nurture their child’s ability. Becoming a chorister at York Minster is an excellent way to harness a child’s musical talent. Energy, enthusiasm and good humour are just as important as musical talent.

“In addition to developing their musical skills, chorister training helps children to develop lifelong skills such as self-discipline, team-work, organisational skills, concentration, poise and attention to detail.  Choristers are educated at St Peter’s School which shares a common foundation of 627AD with the Minster making it the fourth oldest school in the world.

“This is a unique opportunity for a child to have a superb education and to play a part in the life of one of the most important and beautiful cathedrals in the world.”

Commenting on the auditions, Jeremy Walker, Head Master of St Peter’s School York said:

“The wonderful experience of being a chorister at York Minster, combined with an outstanding education at St Peter’s, offers excellent and often life-changing opportunities for girls and boys with musical talents and interests.  I have first-hand appreciation of the incredible experience this provides, as a former chorister parent myself and Head Master of two cathedral choir schools, and encourage you and your families to find out more and consider an application.”

About the 2024 Chorister Auditions

York Minster’s 2024 Chorister Auditions will be held in the week commencing January 2024 at St Peter’s School, Clifton, York YO30 6AB. The deadline for applications is 31 December 2023. For  more details, contact Sara Bath, Admissions Officer,  on 01904 527391 or email

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