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16 Jun. 2024

'If anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation' - The Very Revd Dominic Barrington, Dean

...and exquisite though John Thornton’s breathtaking window is, the bizarre and complex imagery of Revelation has ensured that its message of encouragement to a community of persecuted Christians in the...

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24 Mar. 2019

What is that big picture? - Peter Collier

...the wider community to live that way also, constantly challenging its othering and blaming. Whether we look at the world arena, the national stage this coming week, our local community,...

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29 Aug. 2018

Size Matters! - Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...for example. What effect does its size have on you? Those of us who live and work here often hear of the ‘wow factor’ people experience as they come through...

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18 Feb. 2024

The River Within - Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...free from loss, pain or challenge, nor free from testing and temptation in the wilderness. Baptism is not the end of a Christian journey but the beginning, it is the...

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26 Nov. 2018

Bold Hope - The Reverend Deacon Abigail Davison (Curate)

...tutors and vice principal of the college where I trained (he’s now Director for Theological Education in the Anglican Communion). Stephen has a real passion for the Church in Africa...

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06 Jan. 2019

Epiphany - The Reverend Catriona Cumming

...afflict the comfortable. Underlying the Gospel passage is a sense of fear. Herod, hearing the wise mens’ message is frightened – and all Jerusalem with him. Jesus’ presence doesn’t merely...

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24 Jan. 2018

School visits

Booking For more information, contact our Bookings Team on t: 01904 557275, e: bookings@yorkminster.org or via our booking request forms available through the visit option links above. See a full...

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29 Jul. 2018

The Presence of God - Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...about this kind of experience is that God isn’t simply one object among many in the universe. God’s the very reality in, through and from which the universe comes to...

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04 Dec. 2020

Add your message to York Minster’s Christmas Trees

...the Nave, which will soon be decorated with What3Words messages. “We want everyone to join in, it is completely free. However, we would very grateful for any donations that people...

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03 Sep. 2024

York Minster announces chorister auditions for 2025

...for each chorister towards school fees, regardless of financial status. Families can also apply for additional means-tested bursaries which can potentially increase the level of funding to 100% through St...

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18 Aug. 2020

The Casual belittling of others - The Reverend Canon Maggie McLean

...to keep Thomas in his place; to remind him from where he’d come. So there’s a nickname linked to Cromwell’s surname. The King calls him ‘crumb’. I hope that isn’t...

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29 Nov. 2022

Advent Sunday: Don't Miss Christmas - Canon Missioner Maggie McLean

...Our world only becomes distinct when things change suddenly or new people enter our circle of friends. Compare, for example, when you visit a place for the first time, you...

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