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01 Mar. 2023

Events and services at York Minster for World Autism Acceptance Week

...– 4.00pm Come and enjoy a peaceful atmosphere and explore the building’s magnificent architecture, or simply take some time-out from busy, daily life with Mindful Minster. During these ‘Relaxed Hours’,...

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21 Mar. 2022

Urgently seeking a new girl chorister for York Minster!

...of funding to 100%. Commenting on the search for a new girl chorister, Jeremy Walker, Head Master of St Peter’s School York said: “The experience of being a chorister at...

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22 Sep. 2019

Farewell Sermon for Canon Peter and Heather Moger – The Reverend Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...way to G Major at one point, and then passes through D minor, before finally coming back home to C at the end. Being written in a key gives a...

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21 Feb. 2022

Don't worry - Revd Maggie McLean, Canon Missioner

...second reading tonight. Jesus tells his hearers not to worry about tomorrow. One example he gives is to consider the grass of the field. Grass which flourishes today and tomorrow...

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27 Feb. 2018

York Minster's Choral Scholars - In concert

...York Minster are paid, student singers who are seeking to develop their experience in church music. They sing alongside the choir’s seven Songmen, paid, professional singers committed to maintaining and...

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20 Feb. 2020

Lent, Holy Week and Easter at York Minster

...April, 7.30-8.30pm Reading of the Passion Gospel with Charpentier’s Le reniement de Saint Pierre, and Compline. Wednesday 8 April, 7.30-8.30pm Stainer’s, The Crucifixion, and Compline. Maundy Thursday, 9 April Chrism...

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09 Apr. 2023

Easter Sunday Festal Eucharist - The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell

...you follow? How will you set your compass? What are the values you propose living by? What do you believe? And whom do you trust?’ And because there are no...

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25 Sep. 2022

Lazarus: ‘The One Whom God Helps’ - Rev’d Canon Dr Peniel Rajkumar

...disruption that comes from making space in our lives for the poor. And that is the challenge that comes out of the parable today, a challenge that can only be...

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23 Aug. 2023

Chorister Experience Day

...experience is required. This event is recommended for children in school years 2 and 3. Pre-booking is required for this event. To book your free place, please complete this form....

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04 Dec. 2019

Top Soloists to perform Handel's Messiah at York Minster

...in the spectacular setting of the cathedral’s Nave. “We are very excited to be performing with these highly talented, in-demand and globally renowned professional singers,” commented Robert Sharpe, Director of...

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18 Mar. 2021

There are no ‘visitors’ - The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

...them and so drew them into this community. I feel sure there will be others who came here once or twice and no one spoke to them and they left...

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24 Nov. 2020

A Sermon for St Cecilia, Patron Saint of Musicians - Victoria Johnson, Canon Precentor

...to be perfect. It doesn’t have to be professional. It just has to be from the heart and directed to the right place, heavenwards. Music is communication. Music is communion....

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