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22 Feb. 2023

Turned towards Christ and turned for Prayer - Ash Wednesday - Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...habit of Christlikeness, for it through prayer that we become more and more like Christ. We are today entering into a season when we are commanded to pray as a...

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09 Jul. 2024

New light and sound installation commemorating 40th anniversary of fire illuminates York Minster 

...priced at £5. Visitors can also pre-order a pin badge when they book a PHOENIX ticket, and collect their order on the night. They can also buy a badge in-person...

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11 Sep. 2022

Let God be your light - Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...this lightness come from? How did she shine so? The whole nation continues to give thanks for the light of her example over ninety six years, and her example as...

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20 Jan. 2019

Christian Unity - Just do it! -The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

...experience, come and share, come and share in our community. This seems to me to be entirely consistent with the approach of Jesus. He never asked anyone what they believed....

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19 Apr. 2019

Good Friday Three Hours at the Cross

...technique -of exposing injustice. Silence as a way of self-composure in the face of overwhelming adversity. Commentators noted on Monday that the crowds who watched the horror unfolding in Paris...

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12 Apr. 2023

Meet our joiner, Becky

...to learn from and have a wealth of experience. I also help teach the apprentices, which is humbling as I joined as an apprentice originally! “It’s great to pass my...

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12 Dec. 2022

Third Sunday of Advent: If you have any word of exhortation for the people, give it - The Very Revd Dean Dominic Barrington

...about the British government’s green light for the proposed new mine in Cumbria. A subject around which there was enough equivocation to cause the Speaker of the House of Commons...

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04 Jul. 2023

International Partnerships

Talks are underway to further develop the partnership with the National University of Singapore, with hopes of providing its architecture students the opportunity to complete summer placements at York Minster....

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30 Jan. 2023

Meet our apprentice gardener, Michael

...a combination of college classes and on-site practical experience is also a brilliant way to learn a trade. It definitely makes the college elements, such as exams and coursework, easier,...

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18 Apr. 2023

York Minster marks further sustainability milestone with Deangate retrofit project

...Heritage Craft Skills and Estate Management is the pioneer project in the Neighbourhood Plan. Expected to be completed by mid-2024, it will establish the York Minster Precinct as a world...

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10 Aug. 2023

York Minster breaks ground on its Centre of Excellence

...improved links with education. The Centre of Excellence is expected to be completed in summer 2024. It’s a key component of the York Minster Precinct Neighbourhood Plan which sets out...

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10 Dec. 2023

An Inconvenient Prophecy - Canon Maggie McLean, Canon Missioner

...accept this. Perhaps the King senses that Micaiah is simply playing along with the others and his characteristic passion is missing. In any event, he demands that Micaiah tells him...

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