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28 Apr. 2023

York Minster’s new Canon for Congregational Discipleship and Nurture The Revd Canon Timothy Goode

...Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell said: “I couldn’t be more delighted about Tim’s appointment. Tim is a gifted communicator, a strategic thinker, a loving pastor and a compelling advocate for...

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03 Feb. 2022

Worship at York Minster to mark the 70th Anniversary of the Accession of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

...the new Minster Refectory was selected for sustainability, resilience against climate change and its suitability to survive the high PH soil in the area. Minster stonemasons are carving a plaque...

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13 Sep. 2023

The Second Sunday of Creationtide - Canon Timothy Goode

...up in a comfortable bed and have access to a full wardrobe of clothes; it is good news when we are comfortably employed. But how does this message land for...

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28 Jul. 2019

Let this Mind be in you. – The Reverend Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...when the whole world comes alive in our beloved. No longer is there any sense of separation or division but unity and communion with all. I could go on but...

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18 Aug. 2021

A new statue of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for York Minster

...the George IV State Diadem. Richard’s initial concept design has been developed in close consultation with York’s Fabric Advisory Committee and the Cathedrals Fabric Commission for England who recently gave...

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20 Apr. 2024

'O that they would therefore praise the Lord for his goodness' - The Very Revd Dominic Barrington, Dean of York

...we have just sung, complete with its special lifeboat verse, speaks of the ‘angry tumult’, of ‘wild confusion’ and of the ‘foaming deep’ – scary images of chaos and danger,...

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23 Jan. 2023

Key milestone reached for York Minster’s Neighbourhood Plan project

...a half miles of high tensile stainless-steel rods were inserted into foundations of the central and western towers, forming the reinforced stress frames that stabilised the towers. The Centre of...

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17 Apr. 2024

York Minster seeking three new girl choristers

...heritage back to 627AD and, more recently, has performed for King Charles III as well as featuring on BBC Radio 3 and Classic FM. Alongside high profile performances, choristers also...

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06 Aug. 2023

Sermon for the Feast of Transfiguration - Canon Maggie McLean, Canon Missioner

...of the Jewish religion. But that revelation couldn’t be housed. The dazzling brightness was a glimpse of Jesus shot through with the glory that was still to come. Mountain tops...

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10 Dec. 2018

10 December

God of eternal love and power, Save our Parliamentary Democracy; Protect our High Court of Parliament and all its members From partiality and prejudice; That they may walk the path...

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01 Dec. 2019

Patience is not one of my virtues - The Revd Canon Maggie McLean

...example one said: “This is a high-speed roller coaster ride that includes sudden and dramatic acceleration, climbing, tilting, and dropping. You will be turned completely upside-down several times.” (Perhaps a...

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10 Oct. 2023

Matins attended by the Courts of Justice - The Very Revd Dominic Barrington, Dean of York

...singing! For, says the prophet, the Lord has comforted his people, and will have compassion on his suffering ones – compassion even on the like of poor Cecilia Hardy, and...

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