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27 May. 2021

Cyclists from York Minster join in the launch of the Cathedrals Cycle Route

...will pass on a specially commissioned baton to the next group of riders in a unique event to launch the new 2,000-mile loop, which links all 42 English Cathedrals to...

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26 Jun. 2022

Moving on: the Christian journey - Canon Peter Collier QC, Cathedral Reader

...bridges back to that. He had very publicly committed himself to following Elijah, everyone in the neighbourhood would have known about Elisha’s new life. What this passage shows us is...

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22 Oct. 2020

Events for the Season of Remembrance 2020 at York Minster

...fully on Sunday 1st November. All the services in the Minster on All Saint’s Day will commemorate the lives of the Saints who have gone before us, people in the...

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13 Sep. 2024

York Minster to host inaugural Desmond Tutu Annual Memorial Lecture

...global majority world, to deepen comprehension and inspire action towards dismantling oppressive structures and nurturing just communities. The event aims to provide a forum for critical reflection on the intersection...

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24 Nov. 2022

York Minster’s Christmas Tree Festival opens inside the medieval cathedral

...the website before visiting). Entry is included with general admission (general admission is free for York residents with proof of address). The festival forms part of a busy programme of...

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07 May. 2023

Very truly, I tell you.... , The Very Revd Dominic Barrington, Dean of York

...surely, be utterly bewildering. But, as we heard read, this small and hard-pressed community who once ‘were not a people’, discover that, in fact something has happened and that ‘now...

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24 Dec. 2019

The Word became flesh and lived among us – The Reverend Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...Incarnation made real among us, because the effect of Jesus’ coming among us is to draw us into relationship and to create community, real community, not the superficial and narrow...

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03 Jun. 2018

Creating Space for Truth, Clarity and Grace - Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...this brings me to the passage read from Deuteronomy. One of the commandments relates to just this: ‘Neither shall you bear false witness against your neighbour’ (5:20). Now this could...

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21 Apr. 2024

‘I am the good shepherd’ - The Rt Revd Paul Ferguson, Bishop of Whitby

...I’m sure you’ll have come across church using the image of the shepherd in ministry. The ordination service for priests has these words: [Priests] ‘are to set the example of...

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14 Apr. 2024

'It was the hardest Lent, I have ever had to endure' - The Revd Canon Richard Sewell

...alike are not sitting passively waiting for the world to come to its senses. Inevitably people are taking many different courses of action in the face of dangers they face,...

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22 Mar. 2020

Healing the blindness - The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

AUDIO: https://d10okuw2vik61v.cloudfront.net/uploads/2020/03/MS-sermon-Lent-4.m4a Sunday 22 March 2020 – Lent 4 10am 1 Samuel 16.1-13 & John 9 DOWNLOAD HERE If you were thinking of ways that blindness might be cured, probably...

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