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25 Dec. 2018

What can I give him, Poor as I am? Archbishop of York's Christmas Sermon

...share his glory. See how the proclamation of Jesus’ birth is to a bunch of common shepherds. The coming of Jesus turns all expectations of who is important and their...

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15 Jan. 2024

Reclaimed from the flames

Permission of copyright owners has been sought and acknowledged where known. Copyright owners wishing to discuss the use of their images are asked to email collections@yorkminster.org....

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27 Feb. 2018

York Minster's Choral Scholars - In concert

...York Minster are paid, student singers who are seeking to develop their experience in church music. They sing alongside the choir’s seven Songmen, paid, professional singers committed to maintaining and...

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31 Oct. 2023

Season of Remembrance at York Minster

...for Remembrance Sunday – 4pm To conclude the commemorations on Remembrance Sunday, the Choir of York Minster sing a moving and contemplative service of Holy Communion, with music by Fauré....

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07 Aug. 2022

The Reality of things hoped for - Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...those who laid the foundation stone, would not see its completion, but they nevertheless thought this project was worth beginning and working towards and they committed to making their vision...

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11 Sep. 2023

Christmas Tree Festival

Experience York Minster’s popular Christmas Tree Festival, set inside the medieval Minster, with 70 trees on display in the cathedral’s stunning Nave, Chapter House and Lady Chapel. Explore the trees,...

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19 Dec. 2022

Fourth Sunday of Advent - The Alternative Annunciation - Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...moments of clarity and vision but these moments do not always align to the times when everything is going well. God didn’t come to confirm us in our comfortableness or...

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11 Sep. 2023

Midnight Mass

Experience the First Eucharist of Christmas with choral music sung by the St William’s Singers. The Very Revd Dominic Barrington, Dean of York, will preach at this service. No booking...

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21 Apr. 2024

Bread of Heaven, feed me now and evermore. Amen. - The Very Revd Dominic Barrington, Dean of York

...the utterly horrific slaughter of the first-born, when God passes over the homes of the Israelites, Pharaoh seems to have had enough, and the Israelites are freed. Free, at last....

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02 Dec. 2018

Advent Ordination sermon- The Right Reverend David Wilbourne

...a people’s vote they freed Barabbas and crucified me! Now, about those bombs you’re selling the Saudis…’ Jesus, our Righteousness, born in a stable, come be the disturbing guest at...

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13 Jun. 2024

New exhibition reveals the fire that threatened to destroy York Minster

...standard admission ticket at no extra cost and is part of a series of activities and events commemorating the 40th anniversary of the blaze. Fire damaged furniture that survived the...

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06 Aug. 2023

Sermon for the Feast of Transfiguration - Canon Maggie McLean, Canon Missioner

...of the Jewish religion. But that revelation couldn’t be housed. The dazzling brightness was a glimpse of Jesus shot through with the glory that was still to come. Mountain tops...

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