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09 Apr. 2023

Easter Sunday Festal Evensong - Canon Maggie McLean, Canon Missioner

...famous window. ‘However’, she continued, and pointing towards a small window in the plague house, ‘not as famous as this window’. Fame comes in many different guises. Every day, more...

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24 Jun. 2019

We are ‘Corpus Christi’ – The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

...nave aisle roof as the body of Christ ascends into heaven. The body of Christ is pieces of bread we are given when we come to communion. And, of course,...

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28 Oct. 2018

The Habit of Art and Being Ourselves - Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...and others. From the beginning of his Presidential campaign, for example, Donald Trump referred to Mexicans crossing the border as ‘criminals’ and ‘rapists’, before hastily adding, ‘some of them might...

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21 Jul. 2019

An open, generous, inclusive Hospitality of the Heart – The Reverend Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...away from her.’ Jesus appears to devalue the day-to-day mundane tasks we all have to do simply in order to live. Where would all we be without food, clean clothes,...

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13 Sep. 2023

The Second Sunday of Creationtide - Canon Timothy Goode

...is an extraordinary scene when Francis goes to Rome to petition the Pope for permission to found what will become the Franciscan and Poor Clare Orders, religious communities of men...

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10 Feb. 2019

Clothed with Christ - Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...intelligent, perceptive, profound, witty and funny. Before you rush to order it, though, I ought – in all fairness – to come clean, and all I need to do, probably,...

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10 Mar. 2021

Living Christ’s Story - The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

...or hospital or hospice is holy ground.’ Put simply, what I learnt at Helen House was that in order to be an effective priest I had to be, first and...

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21 Jun. 2021

Binding the strong man - The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

...about kindness, compassion, gentleness and love as these, surely, are the characteristics of a disciple of Jesus. Things are never that straightforward in Mark’s gospel, he is always surprising, always...

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24 Jan. 2022

How can we know the way? - Revd Dr Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...a pillar of fire to provide light and warmth and comfort. When all else had been taken away, and in order to simply put one foot in front of another,...

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15 Jul. 2020

Stop, reflect and pray - The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

...problems arise, when media storms are raging, when the latest band-waggon is passing by, we should stop, reflect and pray before speaking, acting or clambering aboard. When our mood is...

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01 May. 2022

The Resurrection Perspective - Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...Christ. The same might be said of Peter in whom three denials are transformed into three commissions, to tend and to feed the new community of Christ. A weak willed...

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10 Dec. 2019

Keep Awake – The Reverend Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...vigilant, keep your eye on the ball, for the God who comes in the future is simply the God who comes at every moment, which is only ever now –...

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