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10 May. 2024

Guest sermon by the Revd Canon Dr Jennifer Smith

...higher education, Jennifer completed the PhD in politics (Leicester, 2001) and taught at graduate level before coming into the ministry. She has published a peer-reviewed study of Windrush Generation British...

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02 Sep. 2019

York Minster appoints Canon Missioner

...Reverend Dr Jonathan Frost, Dean of York said: “Maggie will bring great love, sensitivity, wisdom and experience to her new role. The whole Minster community looks forward to her arrival...

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13 Aug. 2023

Paul at Lystra - Canon Peter Collier KC, Cathedral Reader

...find himself amongst people with whom he had much in common. They were Jews and so they had a common belief in the one God, who was the only living...

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13 Jul. 2022

The Very Revd Dominic Barrington to be the next Dean of York

...the Autumn. Commenting on his appointment, Dominic said: “I am thrilled to be coming to York Minster at this exciting time as we move beyond the pandemic and look to...

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17 Oct. 2022

York Minster Refectory works begins

...of Restaurants and interior designer Rachel McLane will involve sensitively converting the former song school into a destination restaurant. Due to be complete in Q2 2023, the York Minster Refectory...

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06 Aug. 2020

Weekend visitor hours extended at York Minster

...hours will start on Saturday 8 August, the same day that face coverings become compulsory for people visiting churches and a range of other indoor spaces. The Minster reopened to...

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22 Apr. 2022

An Honorary Minor Canon Theologian for York Minster

...Sunday 8th May at 4pm. Commenting on Peniel’s installation, the Revd Canon Michael Smith, Acting Dean of York said: “In his role as Global Theologian, Peniel is part of USPG’s...

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22 Jan. 2018

Web Accessibility

We want everyone who visits the York Minster website to feel welcome and find the experience rewarding. To help us make the York Minster website a positive place for everyone,...

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15 May. 2022

An Unexpected Ending

...settled down to watch the Eurovision Song contest, perhaps you were expecting the usual ‘nil points’ for the United Kingdom, or perhaps you were expecting political voting to hold sway,...

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25 Nov. 2022

Joy at York Minster as former Choristers make the semi-finals of the BBC Young Chorister of the Year contest

...through to the semi-finals of the BBC Young Chorister of the Year contest this year. The contest is tough and demanding but it is also a wonderful and potentially life-changing...

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13 Oct. 2019

A new Canon Precentor for York Minster

...rich experience to ministry including a fruitful career in research science. Vicky’s calling to enable others to worship and serve God was strongly apparent to all those who met her...

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28 Sep. 2020

Authority and Integrity - Reverend Canon Maggie McLean

...it comes out of living experience rather than a book, a tribunal or a legal charge. Jesus doesn’t have a badge. There’s no convenient ID for the religious leaders to...

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