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Remembrance Sunday

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Annual Service of Thanksgiving and Commemoration for Remembrance Sunday – 10.30am

An annual service of Thanksgiving and Commemoration for Remembrance Sunday which will include music by the Choir of York Minster, hymns, readings, prayers and an Act of Remembrance at 11am in unison with the commemorations across the city, when Great Peter will toll eleven times followed by the Two Minutes’ Silence. The Preacher will be the Reverend (Gp Capt) Ruth Hake MBE KHC, RAF Deputy Chaplain-in-Chief.

All are welcome.

This service will also be livestreamed on our YouTube channel.

Requiem Eucharist for Remembrance Sunday – 4pm 

To conclude the commemorations on Remembrance Sunday, the Choir of York Minster sing a moving and contemplative service of Holy Communion.

All are welcome.

This service will also be livestreamed on our YouTube channel.

A Two Minutes’ Silence will be observed in York Minster on Armistice Day. Details can be found here.


The day forms part of a Season of Remembrance at York Minster which includes the Feast of All Saints Day on Wednesday 1 November, a day to remember those who have died on All Souls’ Day on Thursday 2 November, and the observation of the national two minutes’ silence on Saturday 11 November at 11am.

York Minster’s Season of Remembrance

This year’s Season of Remembrance at York Minster will help us to engage with the extraordinary power of love, the grief and pain of bereavement and the opportunity to honour and to pay our respects to those who have died in past conflicts.

The Very Revd Dominic Barrington, Dean of York, said: “The pain of separation and loss, and the horrors of warfare, are no strangers to people across the globe, including in the city and diocese of York. The grief we experience at the death of friends or loved ones is very real, and can last a very long time, it is the call of the Church to help set this against the message of Christian hope contained in the Gospel.

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