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Archbishop of York to Welcome Ten New Canons as Members of York Minster’s College of Canons

7 Sep, 2023

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Ten new Honorary Canons will be collated, admitted and installed as members of the College of Canons of York Minster, during a service of Choral Evensong on Saturday 16 September 2023 at 5.30pm.  All are welcome.

The new Honorary Canons, whose appointments reflect their dedicated experience to the life of the diocese and the wider church, will first be collated by the Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell and will then be admitted and installed by the Dean of York, Dominic Barrington.  The Installations will take place in the cathedral’s Nave.

Dominic said: “The College of Canons act as ambassadors for the cathedral’s mission, ministry and work.  They will bring lively faith, rich and diverse expertise and life experiences, great wisdom and advice.  They will also play a vital role as “critical friends” encouraging and supportive but also questioning and challenging in equal measure.  We look forward to welcoming them into the life of the cathedral.”

These honorary appointments are in addition to any posts the Canons Elect currently hold. The Honorary Canons are listed below:

The legal formalities of swearing the prescribed Declarations and Oaths will be administered before each service by the Deputy Registrar for the Diocese of York before the Archbishop in the Consistory Court or the Zouche Chapel.

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