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York Minster celebrates Pride

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On the eve of York Pride, at 7.30pm on Friday 31st May, Christians at Pride in York will be hosting a pre-Pride event at York Minster.

Come and enjoy the fabulous building after hours. Minster Guides will be on hand to answer any questions and there will be hot chocolate and brownies available for you.

At 8.30pm there will be an entirely optional service of Compline in the Quire for about 30 minutes which you would be most welcome to join.


All are welcome to enjoy the building as we give thanks for those we love.

Experience the cathedral after hours with a welcome from York Minster clergy, the chance to add your hopes and wishes to a prayer tree, and to enjoy refreshments.


Join a beautiful service of candlelit Compline with talented local musicians to end the evening in the knowledge we are loved by God.

All are welcome, no booking is required. 

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