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A new role for York Minster’s Canon Precentor

14 Apr, 2019

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The Reverend Canon Peter Moger, who has been Canon Residentiary and Precentor of York Minster since 2010, has been appointed to a post in the Scottish Episcopal Church.

Peter will be the Episcopalian (Anglican) priest on the Island of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides.  He will be based in Stornoway, the largest town of the Western Isles of Lewis and Harris.  Peter will have responsibility for two churches:  St Peter’s, Stornoway and St Moluag’s, Eoropie.

The exact date of Peter and his wife Heather’s move to Lewis is still to be confirmed as there are some practical matters still to be arranged.  However, they hope to move from York in the Autumn.

Commenting on his new role, Peter said:

“This post represents an enormous change—from the Church of England to the Scottish Episcopal Church, and from cathedral to local church ministry—but carries exciting challenges and possibilities.  The Western Isles have a rich historic tradition of Christian faith and worship.  It will be a privilege to be a part of that, following God’s call to share with the people of St Peter’s and St Moluag’s in ministry and mission to local communities and to the many visitors to the islands.”

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