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28 Feb. 2024

University of York Choir & Symphony Orchestra

...2023/24 season. First performed in Salzburg in 1783, Mozart’s Mass in C minor remained incomplete on the composer’s death in 1791. Nevertheless, the piece works wonderfully in concert and is...

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15 Apr. 2023

A stone was brought...so that nothing might be changed... - The Very Revd Dominic Barrington, Dean of York

Title: A stone was brought…so that nothing might be changed… Preacher: The Very Revd Dominic Barrington, Dean of York Date: 15 April 2023 5.30pm When it comes down to it,...

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09 Feb. 2023

Lent, Holy Week and Easter at York Minster

...of worship, to pray on their own or to experience the space. Service times and Imposition of Ashes: 7.30am: Matins 7.50am: Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes 12noon: Holy Communion...

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11 Jun. 2020

Election of Bishop Stephen Cottrell as the 98th Archbishop of York

...person, but it was held today via video conference to comply with the Coronavirus restrictions. As required by the 1533 Appointment of Bishops Act, the proclamation below, issued by the...

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20 May. 2020

Confirmation of Election of Bishop Stephen Cottrell

...England as well as for the wider world in these difficult times. Commenting on the service, Bishop Stephen Cottrell said: “I am looking forward to beginning my ministry as the...

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31 Jan. 2023

York Minster seeking new boy choristers for its world-famous choir

...singers whose voices are an essential part of worship at the cathedral. Choristers perform at services, high profile occasions, events and concerts. In November of last year, York Minster’s choristers...

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12 Mar. 2020

‘Excellent’ results for The Minster School following inspection

...issued by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI), states: “Pupils of all abilities achieve highly across a range of subjects”, with achievements in music, art and French particularly high. Inspectors noted...

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21 Mar. 2022

Urgently seeking a new girl chorister for York Minster!

...of singers whose voices are an essential part of worship at the cathedral. Choristers perform at services, high profile occasions, events and concerts. They also take part in broadcasts for...

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25 Nov. 2021

World premiere for composition celebrating the return of York Minster’s Grand Organ

...Morris, York Minster’s Assistant Director of Music, said: “We were delighted with the response to the competition which attracted a high calibre of entries. “The competition was designed to celebrate...

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20 Feb. 2020

Lent, Holy Week and Easter at York Minster

...March, is the “Come and See” Northern Bishops mission to the Diocese of York. “Come and See” is an invitation for people to have conversations about faith, to reflect, to...

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18 Aug. 2020

Chosen People - The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

...after a few generations, being slaves in Egypt until the time that Moses leads them from slavery towards the Promised Land where they would be free. It could be said...

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29 Jul. 2018

The Presence of God - Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...love or compassion pervading everyone and everything. Such experiences typically come upon us unexpectedly and unannounced. It’s as if we’re taken out of ourselves by something we think of as...

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