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24 Jan. 2022

How can we know the way? - Revd Dr Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...all only human, we are, in the words of the book of common prayer like lost sheep who are easily led astray. We follow too much the devices and desires...

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04 Sep. 2023

A Sermon for Creationtide - Canon Maggie McLean, Canon Missioner

Preacher: Canon Maggie McLean, Canon Missioner Date: 3 September, First Sunday of Creationtide   A highlight of a visit to Peru last year was a trip to Lake Titicaca. The...

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16 Feb. 2020

Shared Anxiety, Essential Goodness and Basic Trust – The Reverend Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...experience at some time or other in life. According to mental health experts, the most common behavioural symptom of anxiety is actually avoidance: pretending there isn’t a problem in the...

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21 Jun. 2021

We are ‘Corpus Christi’ - The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

...himself and trying to give people an insight into who he was, he always compared himself to something very ordinary and every day, in today’s gospel he compares himself to...

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12 Aug. 2020

Touching Places - Reverend Canon Maggie McLean

...those beautiful, cloudless winter days, freezing cold but one which brought clarity to everything you looked at. As we travelled across Mull we talked about what it must have been...

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15 Sep. 2018

 Grace is not cheap - The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

...was freely used to describe Gentiles. For example in Matthew 15 a Gentile woman approaches Jesus to ask him to heal her sick daughter and Jesus pointedly ignores her and...

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26 May. 2019

The way God gives – The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

...lecture hall. No cross, no art work at all as far as I can remember. This was a church with the single aim of communicating faith in an easy, comfortable...

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22 Jan. 2021

Join the Archbishop of York at a Service for Candlemas

...Livestream: Sunday 31st January at 4pm at Candlemas: A Light in the Darkness and on our YouTube channel. The Order of Service will also be available for download. Catch up...

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04 Aug. 2024

“Placing trust in what you have reason to believe is true" - The Reverend Canon Maggie McLean, Missioner

...point is that wisdom is about as hard to find as the precious metals buried in the earth. It doesn’t come easily – it requires commitment, work and skill. The...

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01 Apr. 2023

Palm Sunday: The Crowd's Last Word - The Very Revd Dominic Barrington, Dean of York

...calling Jesus the Son of David , and claiming that he has come ‘in the name of the Lord’. But crowds are easily swayed, and – as we see all...

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07 Nov. 2021

The Widow’s Offering - The Reverend Dr Catherine Reid

...if we do not make a daily offering of our heart to God, we very easily devise rules of our own, and like the Pharisees, can actually go against the...

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22 Mar. 2020

Healing the blindness - The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

AUDIO: https://d10okuw2vik61v.cloudfront.net/uploads/2020/03/MS-sermon-Lent-4.m4a Sunday 22 March 2020 – Lent 4 10am 1 Samuel 16.1-13 & John 9 DOWNLOAD HERE If you were thinking of ways that blindness might be cured, probably...

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