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07 Apr. 2023

Good Friday Meditations: The Last Word Series - The Very Revd Dominic Barrington, Dean of York

...and despair. We come, today, to the last scene of the life of Jesus of Nazareth, to find him arms outstretched on a cross, nailed there like a common criminal....

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12 Oct. 2020

A service of Evensong with the Enthronement of the Archbishop of York

...a large public enthronement service to be held at York Minster. However, three months into his role and with the country still on high alert, Archbishop Stephen is completing the...

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04 Jun. 2023

Trinity Sunday - Revd Matthew Porter, Vicar of St Michael le Belfrey and Bishop Designate of Bolton

...on high in the spruce As she thought about these things, they made her smile, so she wrote them down in a journal. They were common things she was grateful...

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05 Dec. 2022

Sermon preached at Choral Evensong with the Chorister Bishop Ceremony - Second Sunday of Advent - Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...climb to a high mountain, and lift up their voices, and cry out- be not afraid, behold your God! Today on the second Sunday of Advent, we particularly remember the...

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15 Sep. 2019

That Nothing May be Lost. – The Reverend Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...not just one son who’s lost but two. By contrast the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin seem a little less complicated. What all three undoubtedly have in common, though,...

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19 Nov. 2023

Thou art my father, my God, and the rock of my salvation - Canon Peter Collier KC, Cathedral Reader

...to be wiser even than Ethan. And here in this psalm Ethan is putting words into the mouth of God, a common practice in prophetic and poetic literature. And what...

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07 Sep. 2020

Three newly commissioned anthems to celebrate the return of choral singing at York Minster

...time without singing, to come back with three remarkable new compositions is both a great honour and a great privilege.” Composer Becky McGlade said: “Like so many, I am thrilled...

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03 May. 2020

Life in Abundance - Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...on me. It concerned a man – in his early- to mid-seventies, I should think – whose name I can’t quite remember, except that it was unusual. His first name...

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27 Mar. 2018

Communion and Confirmation

Communion before confirmation York Minster welcomes children into communion before confirmation in keeping with established practice across the Church of England. There is a preparation day (usually immediately before the...

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04 Jul. 2023

International Partnerships

Talks are underway to further develop the partnership with the National University of Singapore, with hopes of providing its architecture students the opportunity to complete summer placements at York Minster....

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25 Mar. 2021

Holy Week and Easter at York Minster 2021

...returns. Easter Day – Sunday 4th April 8am – Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer A simple said service in the traditional language of the Book of Common...

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08 Apr. 2022

Centre of Excellence

...the centuries but will also secure a sustainable future for it, our visitors and the communities that we serve.” – Alex McCallion, Director of Works and Precinct at York Minster...

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