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06 Feb. 2024

Symbolic York ledger stone leaves for New York

...the Minster for future generations. It will also establish the Minster as an international example of best practice in managing complex heritage estates. Find out more about the Centre of...

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04 Feb. 2021

Actions may speak louder than words - The Revd Canon Maggie McLean

...facts – not participants in learning. Thankfully our understanding of education has come a long way since the days of Dickens. For me education is far more about lighting fires...

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02 Sep. 2022

York Minster’s pioneering Centre of Excellence plans receive council approval

...best practice in managing and preserving complex heritage estates. We are delighted that the City of York Council is supporting this project and we are pleased to announce that purchase...

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02 Jun. 2024

'Law, declares Paul, establishes information, but not transformation' - The Revd Canon Maggie McLean, Canon Missioner

...disaster. In the second reading, Paul writes about the inner struggles of faith and practice. Despite what we believe, what we know to be right, we end up time and...

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27 Jul. 2022

Meet our apprentice joiner, Ian

What’s your favourite thing about working at the Minster? “The architecture – the Minster is incredibly beautiful and no matter how many times you look at it, there’s always something...

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05 May. 2019

Does it matter when we read the Bible? – The Reverend Canon Peter Moger (Precentor)

...of the apostles. And then, in the second part of the Gospel, we hear of Peter being commissioned to ‘feed the sheep’ of Christ’s flock. This, again, marks a complete...

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15 Aug. 2018

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - The Reverend Dr. Rowan Williams

Revelation 11:19- 12:6, 10 Luke 1: 46-55 Solemn Eucharist – Wednesday 15 August At my primary school, we had weekly hymn practice. Our favourite hymn, which we requested week after...

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10 Dec. 2019

Keep Awake – The Reverend Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...although if truth be told, Peter wasn’t so much irritated by the competition as completely oblivious of it! The final, with England playing South Africa, took place on 2nd November,...

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18 Apr. 2023

York Minster marks further sustainability milestone with Deangate retrofit project

...of best practice in managing complex heritage estates and how to secure their long-term environmental, financial and heritage sustainability for future generations to enjoy.” York Minster’s Centre of Excellence for...

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30 Jan. 2023

Meet our apprentice painter, Luke

...your apprenticeship? “The combination of learning at college and learning on the job were completely in sync with each other, which I enjoyed. What I learnt at college I could...

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27 May. 2021

Comfort and Challenge - The Reverend Canon Victoria Johnson

...us, teach us, illuminate us, judge us, renew us. Come Holy Spirit, come to us, and come among us, come as the wind, and cleanse us, come as the fire...

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10 Aug. 2023

York Minster breaks ground on its Centre of Excellence

...traditional craft skills required to preserve and maintain the Minster for future generations. It will also establish the Minster as an international example of best practice in managing complex heritage...

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