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10 Dec. 2019

Keep Awake – The Reverend Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...although if truth be told, Peter wasn’t so much irritated by the competition as completely oblivious of it! The final, with England playing South Africa, took place on 2nd November,...

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09 Jun. 2019

Pentecost: Unity, Diversity and Love. – Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...The Pope agreed and this is part of what he said: ‘Come Holy Spirit. This is the cry of all Christians on this day of Pentecost. Come Holy Spirit –...

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10 Feb. 2019

Called the Fullness of Life Together in the Spirit - Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor) Sunday 10 February 2019 – Sung Eucharist 10am Isaiah 6:1-8 Luke 5: 1-11 When the Bishop of Winchester commended Jonathan to us as our new...

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05 May. 2019

Does it matter when we read the Bible? – The Reverend Canon Peter Moger (Precentor)

...of the apostles. And then, in the second part of the Gospel, we hear of Peter being commissioned to ‘feed the sheep’ of Christ’s flock. This, again, marks a complete...

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07 Oct. 2018

The Case of Brett Kavanaugh, Sexual Politics and the Mutuality of Love - Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...Swetnick. Prior to the confirmation of the nomination by the Senate, an FBI investigation of these allegations was commissioned by the President, and it became clear that this case was...

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03 May. 2020

Life in Abundance - Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...price would we be prepared to pay, though, I wonder, to experience life as Lyle experiences it now in the wake of Covid-19? And how might we begin to experience...

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22 Jul. 2020

A new Cathedral Architect for York Minster

...His work and experience spans many sectors. Residential projects, pure conservation and major commercial refurbishments are part of his repertoire, with particular emphasis on the sustainability of existing and historic...

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01 May. 2022

The Resurrection Perspective - Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...Christ. The same might be said of Peter in whom three denials are transformed into three commissions, to tend and to feed the new community of Christ. A weak willed...

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16 Jan. 2023

God does speak to us - Canon Peter Collier QC, Cathedral Reader

...this afternoon describe similar extraordinary experiences for Ezekiel and Saul. Each of them had life changing experiences. Each was stopped in his tracks; Each saw a great light; Each fell...

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12 Aug. 2020

Touching Places - Reverend Canon Maggie McLean

...those beautiful, cloudless winter days, freezing cold but one which brought clarity to everything you looked at. As we travelled across Mull we talked about what it must have been...

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11 Jun. 2020

Election of Bishop Stephen Cottrell as the 98th Archbishop of York

...person, but it was held today via video conference to comply with the Coronavirus restrictions. As required by the 1533 Appointment of Bishops Act, the proclamation below, issued by the...

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12 Mar. 2020

‘Excellent’ results for The Minster School following inspection

The academic achievement and personal development of pupils at The Minster School, York, have been judged as ‘excellent’ by independent school inspectors. The results follow a combined inspection at the...

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