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07 Mar. 2019

A statement from the Archbishop of York following the death of the former Archbishop of York, John Habgood

...big and complex questions, revealing an incredibly perceptive intellect. I’m very glad to have confirmed his grandchildren and dedicated a room in his honour at Bishopthorpe Palace. His towering presence,...

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07 Feb. 2022

Accession Day 2022 - Revd Dr Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help, my help cometh even from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. Her unique vow to serve...

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25 Aug. 2020

Key to discipleship - The Revd Canon Maggie McLean

...commitment behind his faith. Peter is a rock of conviction; the disciple who commits his life. As we go on to see, he is not without moments of doubt and...

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22 Jul. 2018

And she laughed - the Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

...solidly for two or three days and nights, doesn’t prepare you for the strange sensations that come with total exhaustion. On Thursday night we struggled to stay awake in the...

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07 Apr. 2024

“These things are written so that you may come to believe” - Canon Peter Collier KC, Cathedral Reader 

...belief. John says his gospel is written so that we might come to believe. That we might come to believe that Jesus is the creator God come to this world,...

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23 May. 2018

Have your say: York Minster to consult the public on a Precinct Masterplan

...biggest area of green space within the city walls. Commenting on the launch of the consultation, The Dean of York, The Very Reverend Dr Vivienne Faull said: “We are at...

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27 Oct. 2020

Divine Inspiration - The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

...Those who see the bible as a work of art with many layers of meaning have a tendency to interpret the bible to suit their argument – for example, they...

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31 Jan. 2022

Is your all on the altar? - Revd Dr Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...by Elisha Hoffman, the hymn questions how much we are really prepared to give of ourselves in and through worship, how much of ourselves we are really prepared to give...

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26 Jun. 2022

Divine Subversion - Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...England Sermon preached by Alan Bennet in the 1960’s! So I won’t compete, but I will use the very same reading as the basis for what I want to say...

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30 Dec. 2018

What Then Will This Child Become? Growing in Love and Compassion - Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...completely counter to the way things are in the world, where love, compassion and forgiveness are taken so often as signs of weakness. Yet the opposite’s actually the case. Real...

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24 Jun. 2018

From the old we travel to the new - The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

...marks the frontier between the Old and the New Testaments. He represents the Old Testament and introduces the New. This is perhaps best illustrated by the fact that when he...

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12 Jan. 2024

Holocaust Memorial Day

...This year’s theme, Fragility of Freedom, will reflect on how the erosion of freedom is the key precursor to persecution and genocide. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the...

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