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25 Aug. 2023

A day to remember those who have died

...hope contained in the Gospel. “We are privileged and delighted at York Minster to offer services of remembrance, as well as the opportunity simply to come to the cathedral to...

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29 Aug. 2019

Go behind the scenes at York Minster’s Stoneyard Open Day

...at the Minster this summer including free games and activities in Dean’s Park and open-air cinema with Luna Cinema , from 27 – 29 August. Visit www.yorkminster.org for further details....

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12 Nov. 2021

York Minster’s first Christmas Tree Festival

...everything in between, so we can’t wait to see the ideas our participants have come up with. “Entry to the festival in free, but we are encouraging donations to cover...

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14 Oct. 2018

….. and the walls came tumbling down …… - The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

...of Jericho falling is one of the best known Old Testament stories. It has been told, retold and sung about over countless generations. Not surprisingly for the Old Testament, the...

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17 Jul. 2022

Keep Going and Keep Singing! - Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...Augustine’s Sermon number 256: “So, then, let us sing, not in order to enjoy a life of leisure, but in order to lighten our labours. You should sing as travellers...

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09 Feb. 2024

Half-term fun at York Minster

...programme is as follows:   P is for Pilgrim Saturday 10 – Sunday 18 February Free with General Admission Follow a special trail inspired by the Archbishop of York, Stephen...

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07 Feb. 2018

Lent, Holy Week and Easter 2018 at York Minster

...of the Passion Gospel with Charpentier’s Le reniement de Saint Pierre, 7.30-8.30pm and Compline. Wednesday 28 March Stainer’s The Crucifixion, 7.30-9.30pm and Compline. Maundy Thursday Thursday 29 March Chrism Eucharist...

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12 Jun. 2018

The value of children’s questions - The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

...the commandments of the Lord your God and his decrees and his statute’. All very clear and all very serious. Then, towards the end of the passage, the people are...

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13 Nov. 2018

Remembering Properly - The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

...is does. Something very interesting happens around childbirth for example – at the time of the birth of a child most women cannot countenance the idea of going through the...

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09 Sep. 2023

Sermon for the Installation of Timothy Goode - The Very Revd Dominic Barrington, Dean of York

...low as possible, it was scheduled for December. The pressure of carol services and Christmas preparations make Advent one of the busiest – and most stressful – seasons for clergy,...

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25 May. 2021

Major new conservation project starts on York Minster’s medieval St Cuthbert Window

...between the medieval glass and the elements to ensure its survival for generations to come.” St Cuthbert was an Anglo-Saxon monk and bishop of Lindisfarne who lived between c.634 and...

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05 Nov. 2018

"The Sisters' Window for the Sisters"

The 13th century window is filled with grisaille glass (from the French for greyness) – finely painted clear glass set into geometric designs with jewel-like points of coloured glass making...

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