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06 Aug. 2023

The glory of God is humanity fully alive - Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...the end of his life, the frail and slightly eccentric Archbishop Michael Ramsey, preached what would be his last sermon to a community of nuns in Oxford. The Mother Superior...

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26 Jun. 2022

Divine Subversion - Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...England Sermon preached by Alan Bennet in the 1960’s! So I won’t compete, but I will use the very same reading as the basis for what I want to say...

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27 Mar. 2022

A brief history of the Fourth Sunday of Lent - Revd Dr Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...represent the great diversity of humanity, and if we don’t we should. When we come here what is it that makes this gathering into a community, and what is it...

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10 Nov. 2022

Sculpting the Sovereign

...sculpture, a process which combined cutting edge technology alongside world-class heritage craft skills. The statue was created by Richard Bossons, a York Minster stonemason and master carver, and sits in...

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30 Apr. 2023

Our Foundation for the Future - Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...that is coming and perhaps the realisation that we cannot simply stay the same forever. For what city lasts forever? What building endures millennia without change and adaptation and the...

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13 Feb. 2022

Racial Justice Sunday 2022 - Revd Maggie McLean, Canon Missioner

...point of view, it was either a) a vibrant multi-cultural community or b) the wrong side of the railway line. For some people an exciting place to live and for...

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28 Feb. 2024

University of York Choir & Symphony Orchestra

...2023/24 season. First performed in Salzburg in 1783, Mozart’s Mass in C minor remained incomplete on the composer’s death in 1791. Nevertheless, the piece works wonderfully in concert and is...

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19 Jun. 2022

Present day Taboos - Canon Missioner Maggie McLean

...then you will be free from this oath’. However, the priority for Abraham is to secure his ‘blood-line’. To have descendants that ensure the continuity of the Jewish people.  ...

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15 Apr. 2023

A stone was brought...so that nothing might be changed... - The Very Revd Dominic Barrington, Dean of York

...parts of the gospel narrative that are not supernatural? That – surely – is not too tall an order, is it? Well – in my opinion – speaking as the...

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04 Aug. 2019

‘What is on your Bucket List?’ – The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

...ensure that those we leave behind know that their relationship with us is in good order, wrongs forgiven, misunderstandings sorted, knowing that they are valued, appreciated and loved? These aims...

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02 Feb. 2023

Simeon took him in his arms: A Sermon for Candlemas - Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...example of the divine dis-ordering of our human assumptions- the child is in fact upholding the ancient one and upholding the whole created order, the universe and all that is...

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24 Jun. 2020

Sermon for the Second Sunday after Trinity - Canon Victoria Johnson

...about a new social order, we call it the Kingdom of God and this Kingdom sometimes clashes with the Kingdoms of this earth and the old order of sin and...

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