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02 Feb. 2020

Birth, Death and the Ecstasy of Love – The Reverend Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...that we’re taken out of ourselves by the other into a communion of love in which there aren’t any barriers. There’s just an endless, uninhibited, free flow of love, in...

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11 Sep. 2023

Midnight Mass

Experience the First Eucharist of Christmas with choral music sung by the St William’s Singers. The Very Revd Dominic Barrington, Dean of York, will preach at this service. No booking...

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23 Sep. 2020

Visiting York Minster Library and Archives

What to expect on your visit Research room guidelines will apply for the security of the collection: you will be asked, for example, to leave coats and bags in a...

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02 Mar. 2022

Turning aside - Revd Dr Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...turn aside for a while- recognizing our mortality, understanding where we have come from and where we are going, coming to appreciate the preciousness of life itself: from dust we...

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17 Apr. 2021

Latest opening information

...for worship. Monday to Saturday: 7.30am: Morning Prayer 7.50am: Holy Communion 5.30pm: Evensong (Evening Prayer on Mondays) Sunday: 8.00am: BCP Communion 10.00am: Matins 11.00am: Choral Eucharist 4.00pm: Choral Evensong Full...

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25 Sep. 2022

Lazarus: ‘The One Whom God Helps’ - Rev’d Canon Dr Peniel Rajkumar

...disruption that comes from making space in our lives for the poor. And that is the challenge that comes out of the parable today, a challenge that can only be...

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09 Apr. 2024

On This Spot

Stand in the footsteps of those who saw the 1984 fire and its aftermath by following a new digital-visual trail – On This Spot. Use your mobile phone to scan...

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23 Jul. 2023

Let them grow together, until the harvest - Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...comes from conflict, life comes from death, wheat comes from weeds and we all give glory to the one and only live God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit....

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01 Aug. 2021

What lies before us - The Reverend Canon Victoria Johnson

...communities of faith, communities of collaboration in our city, or communities of friendship across our county- with Christ as our foundation what might those communities look like? Today we can...

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11 Mar. 2024

Hans Zimmer’s Interstellar - SOLD OUT

...highlights from the film’s iconic score, alongside intergalactic favourites from A Space Odyssey and Holst’s The Planets. Get ready for an out-of-this-world musical experience, suitable for all the family.  ...

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20 Aug. 2023

A Seat at the Table - Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...the time- that the Children of Israel had to come first, but it was a harsh way of responding to her. His words make us flinch even now. And yet...

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06 Jul. 2022

‘Faith and Fracture’ - Glass Sculpture focused on ‘Beauty of Every Human’ on display in York Minster

...transept and made of two and a half thousand pieces of glass, ‘Faith and Fracture’ will be seen by the public from mid-July to mid- September. The art work was...

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