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03 May. 2022

New exhibition showcases royal treasures from York Minster’s historic collection

...and a Bible signed by Elizabeth of York, wife of Henry VII, or possibly her granddaughter Queen Elizabeth I. Other highlights include footage from the royal wedding of Prince Edward,...

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10 Nov. 2022

Sculpting the Sovereign

...sculpture, a process which combined cutting edge technology alongside world-class heritage craft skills. The statue was created by Richard Bossons, a York Minster stonemason and master carver, and sits in...

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19 May. 2024

York Minster celebrates Pride

On the eve of York Pride, at 7.30pm on Friday 31st May, Christians at Pride in York will be hosting a pre-Pride event at York Minster. Come and enjoy the...

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07 Apr. 2019

Whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ - The Revd Professor Oliver O’Donovan

...the future, too. “Not as though I have already obtained…” The future cannot be “obtained”. We cannot grasp hold of it. It is undetermined, unknown, unrealised, wholly God’s. We have...

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09 Apr. 2024

Out of the Ashes

Discover the story behind the 1984 fire that threatened to destroy York Minster through a new exhibition – Out of the Ashes – commemorating the 40th anniversary of the blaze....

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29 Dec. 2019

Heart of Love – The Reverend Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...with Christmas. I like to think we at York Minster have a rather special connection with it through our visiting choir today. Harold Darke, the composer, who, at the age...

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22 Feb. 2023

Turned towards Christ and turned for Prayer - Ash Wednesday - Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...habit of Christlikeness, for it through prayer that we become more and more like Christ. We are today entering into a season when we are commanded to pray as a...

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27 Feb. 2018

York Minster's Choral Scholars - In concert

The extraordinary vocal range of York Minster’s current choral scholars will be showcased in a free concert taking place in the cathedral’s North Transept on Saturday 3 March at 7.30pm....

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08 Sep. 2020

Evensong Services return to York Minster this week

...music specially commissioned for the Minster. The adult singers of the York Minster Choir will give world first performances of new anthems by three outstanding composers. On Wednesday 9 September,...

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22 Jan. 2023

The Third Sunday of Epiphany

...poor, release to the captives, and freedom to the oppressed: anoint us with your Holy Spirit and set all your people free to praise you in Christ our Lord. Amen....

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07 Mar. 2021

Stewardship - Canon Victoria Johnson

...was- and they had no concern for the communities of which they were part yet alone the generations that would come after them. This was about his love and their...

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07 Aug. 2022

The Reality of things hoped for - Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...those who laid the foundation stone, would not see its completion, but they nevertheless thought this project was worth beginning and working towards and they committed to making their vision...

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