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24 Nov. 2020

A Sermon for St Cecilia, Patron Saint of Musicians - Victoria Johnson, Canon Precentor

...and only living God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Blessed Cecilia, appear in visions to all musicians, appear and inspire; translated daughter, come down and startle, composing mortals with...

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24 Jun. 2020

Sermon for the Second Sunday after Trinity - Canon Victoria Johnson

Sermon for the Second Sunday after Trinity By Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor Gospel: Matthew 10:24-39 The composer Beethoven, was apparently, a mercurial and sometimes ill-tempered man. When asked to play...

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31 Dec. 2020

UPDATE: Services and sightseeing throughout the National Lockdown

...07:30: Morning Prayer 07:50: Holy Communion 12:00 – Midday Communion cancelled 15:00 – 16:30: open for Private Prayer (Nave) 16:00: Evening Prayer (Zouche) 17:30: Epiphany Eucharist (Nave) Thursday 7th January:...

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23 Oct. 2022

The word is very near you - Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...is very near to us. The community of faith is drawn together through the story of salvation by a God who longs to communicate to the world through the lives...

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21 Jun. 2021

The divine potter - The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

...never knew what happened to the heavy, misshapen, ceramic things. In today’s second reading St Paul compares God to a potter and to us as the clay being shaped by...

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05 Apr. 2020

Life Happens – The Reverend Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...to completion and that things will go the way we anticipate. Many are fortunate to see plans come to fruition: for starting a family, for a building project, for establishing...

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22 Jan. 2023

The Third Sunday of Epiphany

...poor, release to the captives, and freedom to the oppressed: anoint us with your Holy Spirit and set all your people free to praise you in Christ our Lord. Amen....

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01 Aug. 2021

What lies before us - The Reverend Canon Victoria Johnson

...communities of faith, communities of collaboration in our city, or communities of friendship across our county- with Christ as our foundation what might those communities look like? Today we can...

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09 Mar. 2023

Exhibition showcases royal treasures from York Minster’s historic collections to celebrate the Coronation

...to Queen Victoria on her wedding day which has been transformed into burses and veils used in preparation for the celebration of Holy Communion, and a Victorian fire bucket with...

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08 Sep. 2020

Evensong Services return to York Minster this week

...music specially commissioned for the Minster. The adult singers of the York Minster Choir will give world first performances of new anthems by three outstanding composers. On Wednesday 9 September,...

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17 Sep. 2020

New exhibition showcases treasures from York Minster’s historic collection

...its foundation in 627AD, the Minster has commissioned items to support its devotional and educational missions while collecting material and manuscripts in its library and archives which detail the city’s...

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06 Jul. 2020

Unwritten rules - The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

...disciples of Jesus as compassion, generosity and grace. We see these flickering and shimmering in the pages of Deuteronomy and other Old Testament books and we see them flowering in...

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