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19 Mar. 2023

May the Lord establish his word - The Very Revd Dominic Barrington, Dean of York

...pastorally effective celebration of maternal values and aspirations. A role model who has had a lucky break from infertility might not be the best example for us to hold up...

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18 Jul. 2024

Topping Out the Heritage Quad

...traced as far back as the 7th century when Scandinavians would place a tree atop a completed building to appease the tree gods of surrounding habitats. Despite its Norse history,...

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05 Oct. 2023

York Minster unveils new exhibition showcasing rare treasures from local parishes of Yorkshire

...of York Minster and how historic collections are formed. Objects from the cathedral’s historic collection of more than 300,000 pieces and fascinating items across the North come together to form...

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07 May. 2021

York Minster announces reopening plans and summer exhibitions

...Morning Prayer 50am: Holy Communion 30pm: Private Prayer (from 17 May this will be extended to 10am – 4.30pm) 30pm: Choral Evensong (Evening Prayer on Mondays). Sunday 8am: BCP Communion...

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15 Apr. 2023

A stone was brought...so that nothing might be changed... - The Very Revd Dominic Barrington, Dean of York

Title: A stone was brought…so that nothing might be changed… Preacher: The Very Revd Dominic Barrington, Dean of York Date: 15 April 2023 5.30pm When it comes down to it,...

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19 Jun. 2022

Present day Taboos - Canon Missioner Maggie McLean

...than a Canaanite from where he was living. In seeking this potential wife for his son, Abraham isn’t interested in compulsion: ‘if the woman is not willing to follow you,...

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22 Jan. 2022

3rd Sunday of Epiphany

...poor, release to the captives, and freedom to the oppressed: anoint us with your Holy Spirit and set all your people free to praise you in Christ our Lord. Amen....

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17 Apr. 2022

God tugs us back into life - Canon Maggie McLean, Missioner

Preacher: Canon Maggie McLean, Missioner Title of sermon: God tugs us back into life Date/time/service: Sunday 17 April 2022, 8am, Easter Day, Holy Communion   We began this week shadowing...

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23 Nov. 2023

York Minster gets ready for Advent and Christmas

...themes by local businesses, schools and charities, with trees provided by award-winning local company York Christmas Trees. Throughout the festival, visitors will be able to vote for their favourite tree...

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24 Nov. 2022

York Minster’s Christmas Tree Festival opens inside the medieval cathedral

...‘best dressed tree’ competition and add their own Christmas message to a tag to hang on one of the festival’s prayer trees. The festival will open at 10am on Saturday...

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06 Dec. 2023

Peter and the Wolf

...The performance is recommended for ages 5 to 95!   Organist and narrator details: Dr Benjamin Morris, organist Benjamin Morris is Assistant Director of Music at York Minster. In this...

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14 Feb. 2018


Minster Community groups There are a number of Minster Community groups that make valuable and much-appreciated contributions to various areas of the cathedral’s life. The Social Action Group was set...

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