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23 Jan. 2023

Steer into the distress - Canon Missioner Maggie McLean

...with contempt for their poverty. Into this darkness Jesus comes as a beacon of hope. As people encounter him lives are transformed. The oppressed are brought comfort, and their oppressors...

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15 Apr. 2018

The writers of our Scriptures have a lot to answer for - The Reverend Catriona Cumming

...head. Through this woman, the world was transformed. “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, in order...

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11 Sep. 2022

Sermon following the death of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell

...Everyone counts, everyone matters, everyone is included. These stories, more than almost any other in the New Testament point us to the heart of God and God’s compassion for everyone.,...

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07 May. 2023

Sermon at the Civic Service for the Coronation - The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell

...in the name of the King of Kings.’ And the king replied, ‘In his name and after his example I come not to be served but to serve.’ This one...

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07 Oct. 2018

The Case of Brett Kavanaugh, Sexual Politics and the Mutuality of Love - Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...Swetnick. Prior to the confirmation of the nomination by the Senate, an FBI investigation of these allegations was commissioned by the President, and it became clear that this case was...

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03 Aug. 2020

Nothing is ever wasted - The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

Preacher: The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor) Title of sermon: Nothing is ever wasted. Date/time/service: Sunday 2nd August 2020 8th after Trinity Passage of scripture: Matthew 14.13-21   A lot...

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20 May. 2018

Godquake - The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

...to pursue the ministry of Jesus and to build communities from which the Church, from which this church community, grew. Pentecost is about remembering that the Church was born in...

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14 May. 2018

I am sending upon you what my Father promised - Reverend Dr. Rowan Williams

...and now. All the ways we have of understanding how time and space work are simply too small to comprehend how God can be both human and divine. We’re confronted...

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01 Mar. 2022

Events and services at York Minster for Covid-19 National Day of Reflection

...of ‘ordinary’ jobs are actually essential jobs that hold the fabric of our communities together. It reminded us of the importance of family and friends, of simply spending time together...

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18 Jun. 2023

How to be good - Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...does it make us good? On the panel, we talked about the good that religion can do- the grass roots ‘good’ of kindness, compassion and community- the practical ‘good’ that...

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11 May. 2020

The God who longs to be 'at home' with us - The Revd Canon Maggie McLean

...his freedom. Given what’s about to happen the teaching at first seems to be about the afterlife. About a place where, after all the suffering that is to come, the...

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26 Jan. 2020

Seeing and Touching God – The Reverend Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...compassion for her and for others. Without knowing any of that, there’s no way you’d look at this little statue and conclude that it’s a figure of my Mum herself,...

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