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05 Apr. 2023

Judas' Last Word - The Very Revd Dean Dominic Barrington, Dean of York

...Judas story is a sad one, and a complicated one. The sadness is obvious enough, I guess – the complexity harder to deal with. For it is not enough to...

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06 Apr. 2023

Maundy Thursday: Love's Last Word - The Very Revd Dean Dominic Barrington, Dean of York

...is the fire of God’s love – a love that only comes to us, a love that only comes to you and me, a love that only comes to the...

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15 Jul. 2018

Desire: Human and Divine - Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...by a restlessness to come to know and understand more fully the nature of the sheer grace of divine love, and to share what he’s come to know for himself...

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12 Dec. 2022

Former York Minster chorister Naomi wins BBC Young Chorister of the Year Contest 2022

York Minster today celebrated the outstanding achievement of former chorister Naomi Simon who was yesterday announced as the winner of the BBC’s Young Chorister of the Year Contest. Sixteen year-old...

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22 Feb. 2021

‘Love, justice and transfiguration’ - The Revd Canon Maggie McLean

...of God then things have to change in our society. We need more education to pull down walls of ignorance; to challenge the casual discrimination that passes as ‘harmless’ comments....

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19 Aug. 2018

Do you believe and trust in God?- the Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor) Sunday 19 August 2018 – Trinity 12 – Matins Jonah 1 & 2 Peter 3.14-end There are many great prophets in the Old Testament....

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21 Jan. 2022

Accession Day

On 8 September 2022, Prince Charles was proclaimed King Charles III following the death of his mother, Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. In our worship we give thanks for...

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24 Jan. 2022

A gospel that takes us to unexpected places - Canon Peter Collier QC

...the Messiah and what the Messiah would do. That and passages like it were a great comfort to the people whose country was occupied by the Romans and whose religious...

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01 Jul. 2024

Kohima Memorial Service

...comments: “Our annual service, this year commemorating the 80th anniversary of the battle, is a marvellous occasion when families and friends gather in front of the 2nd Division memorial, a...

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06 Dec. 2023

Peter and the Wolf

...the Silly History Boys, a comedy history troupe that Stuart co-created. His storytelling and character work can be found on their ‘Silly History Boys Show’ podcast. Available for free on...

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17 Aug. 2023

York Minster welcomes students

...bring a jumper – massive gothic cathedrals can be chilly in October! The free event will run from 7.30pm to 9.00pm. All are welcome, no booking required. More information about...

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09 Feb. 2023

Lent, Holy Week and Easter at York Minster

...of worship, to pray on their own or to experience the space. Service times and Imposition of Ashes: 7.30am: Matins 7.50am: Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes 12noon: Holy Communion...

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