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11 Aug. 2019

‘Church should be changing us?’ – The Reverend Canon Michael Smith (Pastor)

...deeply unhappy and unpopular because, despite being in church every week, they were selfish, unkind, gossipy and vindictive. It is possible to come to church every week and not take...

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22 Jan. 2022

3rd Sunday of Epiphany

...poor, release to the captives, and freedom to the oppressed: anoint us with your Holy Spirit and set all your people free to praise you in Christ our Lord. Amen....

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11 Sep. 2023

Christmas Tree Festival

...for children and families. The festival will run during general admission times until Sunday 5 January. Entry is free with general admission. Please note, the trees may feature flashing lights....

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19 Dec. 2022

Fourth Sunday of Advent - The Alternative Annunciation - Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...moments of clarity and vision but these moments do not always align to the times when everything is going well. God didn’t come to confirm us in our comfortableness or...

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20 May. 2018

The Spirit of God fills the whole World. Alleluia! - Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...the Church. A less comfortable example is that of safeguarding. There’s scarcely an institution, organisation or network of family and friends that hasn’t been infected in some way by the...

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11 Sep. 2023

Midnight Mass

Experience the First Eucharist of Christmas with choral music sung by the St William’s Singers. The Very Revd Dominic Barrington, Dean of York, will preach at this service. No booking...

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23 Sep. 2020

Visiting York Minster Library and Archives

What to expect on your visit Research room guidelines will apply for the security of the collection: you will be asked, for example, to leave coats and bags in a...

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02 Mar. 2022

Turning aside - Revd Dr Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...turn aside for a while- recognizing our mortality, understanding where we have come from and where we are going, coming to appreciate the preciousness of life itself: from dust we...

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17 Apr. 2021

Latest opening information

...for worship. Monday to Saturday: 7.30am: Morning Prayer 7.50am: Holy Communion 5.30pm: Evensong (Evening Prayer on Mondays) Sunday: 8.00am: BCP Communion 10.00am: Matins 11.00am: Choral Eucharist 4.00pm: Choral Evensong Full...

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30 Jul. 2023

Eighth Sunday of Trinity - The Rt. Rev. Gregory H. Rickel Assisting Bishop of SE Florida, TEC

...in this world, and instead care and love all those things for God, and as God loves us, fully, completely, abundantly, recklessly, wastefully. When Jesus spoke of freedom, that is...

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05 Apr. 2020

Life Happens – The Reverend Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood (Chancellor)

...to completion and that things will go the way we anticipate. Many are fortunate to see plans come to fruition: for starting a family, for a building project, for establishing...

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23 Jul. 2023

Let them grow together, until the harvest - Canon Victoria Johnson, Precentor

...comes from conflict, life comes from death, wheat comes from weeds and we all give glory to the one and only live God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit....

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