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What's onVisiting York Minster.
VisitLed by our expert guides, pupils will explore the historical, spiritual and architectural wonders of York Minster during the tour and our hands-on workshops provide engaging activities and opportunity for discussion and debate. Schools are invited to choose from one of the workshops below when making their booking. Teacher resources are also available on the website and lesson plans can be emailed on request. Please contact learning@yorkminster.org.
RE and Art & Design, KS1-KS4
Step into the world of a medieval stained-glass artist.
Using inspiration from the magnificent Great East Window, pupils will be introduced to the Creation story in Genesis as they study stained-glass panels from the window. They will engage with what the story means for Christians today and respond with their own creative designs.
Older groups will discuss different ways of interpreting the creation story and compare it to scientific theories of how the world began.
For more information you can download our teacher resources and classroom resources.
History and RE, KS1-KS3
Tread the path of a medieval pilgrim.
Immerse yourself in the world of medieval pilgrims, wax body parts, indulgences and gruesome relics!
Pupils will take part in a mini pilgrimage around York Minster and be introduced to York’s own St William. They will hear about his life and the intriguing miracles that continued after his death. The tour will conclude with a visit to the shrine of the Saint himself in our candlelit crypt.
For more information you can download our classroom resources (Pilgrim Blessing and Pilgrim Song) and teacher resources.
Literacy and History, KS1-KS3
Discover a history of arson, accident and an act of nature in this creative workshop with a poetic outcome.
Follow a fire tour around York Minster collecting flaming vocabulary on your way to composing a collaborative class composition. Step into the shoes of key characters and role play the fearless firefighters before you recite your rhythmic rhymes.
Pupils will discuss the historical fires of York Minster and use role play to inspire their creativity. They will then work in small groups using vocabulary prompt cards to write and recite their descriptive lines.
For more information you can download our teacher resources, activity sheets, fire images and fire word cards.
History, KS2-KS3
Discuss, explain, persuade! Hone your reasoning skills and join the debate.
Romans, Anglo Saxons, Normans and beyond. Discover the architects, designers, and historical figures who shaped York Minster’s past, present and future. Using character fact files, pupils will collaboratively create a timeline of historical figures, ranking them in order of importance before selecting their top Minster Marvel.
In this interactive exploration of history, students will use discussion, reasoning and debate to decide which character has had the greatest influence in the history of the Minster.
For more information download our teacher resources and classroom resources.
History, Citizenship, and Ethics, KS2-KS4
The year of 1829. Jonathan Martin. Who was he? Why did he decide to burn down York Minster?
Study the sources to decide what should happen to the complicated and intriguing character of Jonathan Martin, the 1829 arsonist. Take part in his mock trial, look at the evidence, listen to the witnesses. Jonathan’s fate is in your hands!
Pupils will discuss the evidence from 1829 to determine Jonathan Martin’s state of mind. Did he understand right from wrong? They will use role play to decide the outcome of the trial before finding out what actually happened.
[Please be aware this workshop discusses mental health issues and historical punishments such as execution.]
For more information you can download our teacher resources, evidence cards, character cards, Jonathan Martin’s story and fire images.
RE and Citizenship KS2-4
Experience the splendour of Christmas in a sacred setting.
Available in November & December, explore the Christian meaning of the Nativity through role play, carols, and a moment of candlelit reflection in our Crypt.
Discover our connection to old St Nick; marvel at the world’s largest Advent wreath and uncover festive imagery around the cathedral. In this unique celebration children will see how the festive season is marked in one of the world’s most beautiful cathedrals.
£6 per pupil + £30 facilitation fee. One accompanying adult with up to ten children goes free.
£13 for each additional adult (excluding staff required for KS1/SEN).
Prices include VAT and apply to children in full time compulsory education.
Hyundai Great British School Trip
We are proud to be a part of the Hyundai Great British School Trip, enabling schools to apply for bursaries towards the cost of their trip to support travel costs and admission fees.
Apply for a bursaryFor more information, contact our Bookings Team on t: 01904 557275, e: bookings@yorkminster.org or via our booking request form below.
See a full copy of our bookings terms and conditions here.
Pupils and students must be in full time education and aged 17 or under. For students aged 18 please see our Groups page.
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