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What's onVisiting York Minster.
VisitWho we are
York Minster is the seat of the Archbishop of York and the Cathedral for the Diocese of York, as well as a centre for Christian life in the North of England. York Minster has been a place of prayer and pilgrimage for over 1,400 years and daily acts of worship presented with exceptional music and liturgy are still at the heart of cathedral life.
York Minster is a breathtaking gothic masterpiece with stunning medieval stained glass that acts as a magnet, drawing over 600,000 people from all over the world to visit in person, with many more joining our worship through our popular live streaming of services. Alongside our renowned accredited museum, library and archives, the Minster is also one of the centres of York’s lively cultural life, hosting many concerts and exhibitions.
Over 200 staff members supported by 400 volunteers strive to achieve our vision which is ‘To inspire everyone to experience God’s love through our welcome, worship and work’. Our values of Integrity, Purpose, Humility and Compassion guide our behaviours and underpin all that we do.
How we are governed
The Minster is governed by the Chapter of York, a registered charity, chaired by the Dean (CEO) and comprising executive trustees (Residentiary Canons) and non-executive trustees (Lay Canons). Chapter oversees all aspects of the Minster’s statutory compliance, strategic vision, policies and priorities.
The day-to-day operation of the Minster is overseen by the Senior Executive Team comprising both lay professionals and the Residentiary Canons. The Senior Executive Team is chaired by the Chapter Steward (COO), David Colthup CBE.
We are looking to attract trustees who are inspired by both the worshipping heritage at York Minster and our ambitious transformative strategic plan. This innovative approach is seeing dramatic changes across our Precinct as we deliver on our ‘Centre of Excellence’ concept and our commitment to sustainability. Please visit our website at www.yorkminster.org to learn more about our achievements and plans.
We are seeking new members of Chapter who would be committed to our vision, mission and ministry. We work in a collaborative and open way and look to our Chapter members to exercise their responsibilities and provide ‘critical friendship’ in their role. York Minster is also a place that arouses and sustains passion, and we wish to attract applicants who would relish getting to know us, thrive on sharing in our life and who themselves could become passionate allies and advocates.
Chapter is looking to appoint two new non-executive members over the coming months and recognises that further vacancies will need to be filled subsequently. Ideally, those appointed will bring particular expertise in one of the following areas we have identified:
We fully recognise the immense value and diversity brings, so would be particularly keen to receive interest from applicants who broaden the lived experience and demographic profile of our Chapter.
Sounds interesting? Take the first step by downloading the application pack. If you have any questions, please contact Jane Coope, Head of People at janec@yorkminster.org.
Closing date for applications – noon on 18 November 2024
Selection event – 9/10 December 2024
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